Tuesday 24th August 2010
Bob Pardy introduced his guest, Scott Keen, a Corrective Services Officer in charge of the Outreach Program.
Apologies: Eric D, Dave N, Tim S, Sally B, Pete F, Steve E, Chris B, Arthur C, David W & Jack A.
Heads & Tails - there was quite a good chance to win this due to the small group on the night, but Nev D took out the crown and a bottle of wine.
Lucky Door - I seem to have not written this down for some reason, and it escapes me as to who won???? My apologies.
Bob again reminded everyone that Subs are due asap. Please get them to him as soon as possible fellow.
Bob also gave a quick update on the Shelter Box program and the response to the floods in Pakistan. There has already been close to 8,000, 8 person tents sent, with another 6,000 to be sent asap. As a club we donated $1,000 to the relief effort.
Adam gave a quick update on the house project. Both himself and Chris Bennett have been talking to a few builders, the main two which are under consideration are Hotondo Home and Jason McLaughlan. There still needs to be further investigatiojn into this project, Adam is working on some figures and will get those out asap.
Persident Pete asked for people to help at the Edgell Jog, this is on Sunday 12 September. There was a sheet passed around, if you weren't at the meeting please let Pres Pete know if you are available to help out for a couple of hours.
Also just to let fellows know that Arthur Cheers has been unwell and in hospital, but is on the mend. So please keep him in your thought.
GSE Team Leaders were selected last weekend, with one from a Murrumbidgee Club and one from an Orange Club. The teams will be selected this weekend 28-29 August.
Bob informed everyone that bot of our National Youth Science Forum (NYSF) applicants went well, one of them being selected to head to Canberra in January. Amanda Burbich from All Saint College, so we wish her all the best, and hopefully will hear how she goes early next year.
A very important reminder to everyone, the DG visit is this week (Tuesday 31 August), it was thought that the very low numbers last week may have had something to do with people thinking it was last week!!! So please make an effort to come along to the meeting tomorrow night to welcome the DG & his wife.
Nev D provided us with a 2 minute update about his recent holiday to Queensland. Sounded like the travel on the way there was just as much part of the holiday, with quite a number of stops along the way to visit family & friends. After starting in Sydney to visit his daughter and going to see West Side Story, the journey continued to Gosford, Kempsey, Ballina and their final destination Burleigh Heads. After enjoying the shoping, casino, sunshine and general balmy weather for a few weeks it was very hard to come back to our glorious weather! Welcome back Nev.
Finally our guest speaker Scott enlighted us with information about his role as a Correctional Services Officer at the Bathurst Gaol. He runs a program for up to abour 8 inmates which is a Mobile Outreach Community Service. They work Mon-Fri and help out community organisations or individuals with labouring jobs. They have a trailer that is kitted out with anything and everything any handyman or woman! would ever need. In 2008-2009 financial year alone Scott costed out they provided around $60,000 worth of free labour to the Bathurst Region community. This program is a great opportunity for inmates who are at a point where they trusted to go outside the prison walls to mis with the community and apply the skills they may have to some good. At first community members can be a little stand-offish with the group, but once they see the great work they can do, the support they receive and morning tea's is amazing.
Scott is keen to get the group helping with community groups such as Rotary on particular projects. The group thought this could be perfect for the work which the Riding for the Disabled are looking to do. A letter needs to be sent to the Govenor explaining and requesting the help, Scott can then schedule this in with his group. The group is currently working on building a community garden at St Jospeh's Mount, they have also done landscaping and gardening work at St Catherine's Nursing Home, and built large stables at one of the villages.
The program has been very succussful, and the Govenor has now requested that Scott assist to get another 8 programs just like his up and running in gaols across the state of NSW.
Scott was very interesting to listen to and is obviously passionate about the work he does, which shows in many ways. This program is highly important to prepare those inmates who are capable and ready to get back into the outside world and mix with community people.
Rob B gave a vote of thanks to Scott, and mentioned that we will definately be in touch for some assistance with the Riding for the Disabled project.
Mail received:
1. Foundation Seminar - Blayney
Possibly Wednesday October 13th as the date, timed to immediately precede the Dinner meeting (6 for 6.30 pm) to which all participants would of course be invited. We would need an indication of dinner mumbers at least a couple of days before the meeting. Foundation Month is November. The objective is to educate the Club Presidents, Foundation Directors and others interested in the Foundation so that they will be knowledgeable and stimulated to have programs in their Clubs about the Foundation during November. This leads to a greater understanding of the Foundation and its programs and will hopefully result in increased commitment to developing projects and contributions to the Foundation.
Brian Burke (Bathurst East) has said that he will take the job on, and he then immediately made enquiries to the Council about using the facilities at Mt Panorama, and found out that the Mount is booked until next March, so RYDA will have to go back until then. That may not be a bad thing as there would be a lot to organize if it were to be still in November. The Mount is apparently booked in Nov by some group which will pay, so our RYDA group wishing to use it without paying has to move to a time when it is not in use. I will provide more info as it comes to hand.
Further to my note of last Friday’s date, I just wanted to confirm that we can offer tax deductibility to individuals and corporations who may wish to contribute to The Rotary Foundation’s Pakistan Disaster Relief Fund. Just a few relevant points:
1. Contributions can be made using the attached form which will direct the funds through The Australian Rotary Foundation Trust. This form can be used for a contribution by cheque, direct debit or credit card and the contributor should simply write “Pakistan Disaster Relief” across the top to make his or her intentions known.
2. While these personal and corporate contributions are tax deductible, they will not attract PHF points. Club contributions will also not attract PHF credits.
3. All contributions will be consolidated in Evanston and used to fund matching grants that are specifically designed to restore normalcy to the lives of the Pakistan people and provide them with their basic requirements. These will be “second phase” programs and will not necessarily be of an immediate nature.
Please contact me if you have any queries on this program.
At Pets this year our then DGE Neal suggested that he wanted to see fun throughout his year. So I am asking you members to adopt the same policy of that below. It will make an enjoyable night if this can be arranged. We have all experienced boring DG meetings as such and this could make it memorable. I should mention that Neals’ wife Barbara has a very open mind as she is a trained psycologist.
1st prize will be a bottle of my favourite port !
How to Stay Awake at Meetings
Do you keep falling asleep in meetings and seminars? What about those long and boring conference calls? Here's a way to change all of that.
1. Before our next meeting, prepare yourself by drawing a square. I find that 3" x 3" is a good size. Divide the card into columns - three across and three down. That will give you 9 one-inch blocks. i.e. just like noughts and crosses.
2. Write one of the following words/phrases in each block …. your pick.
* Rotary
* foundation
* club
* youth
* shelter box
* fun
* flood
* to tell you the truth (or "the truth is")
* disaster relief
* active
* benchmark
* win-win
* think outside the box
* result
* empower (or empowerment)
* knowledge
* focus
* game plan
3. Check off the appropriate block when you hear one of those words/phrases.
4. When you get three blocks horizontally, vertically, or diagonally stand up and shout "BULLSHIT!"
TESTIMONIALS: from satisfied "BS Bingo" players:
• "I had been in the meeting for only five minutes when I won.."
Adam W., Atlanta
• "My attention span at meetings has improved dramatically." -
David T., Orlando
• "What a gas! Meetings will never be the same for me after my first win."- Dan J., New York City
• "The atmosphere was tense in the last process meeting as 14 of us waited for the fifth box." - Ben G., Denver
* "The speaker was stunned as eight of us screamed BS!' for the third time in two hours. The BS Bingo Championship will be played at the next meeting." - Rod H.
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