Apologies received from:
David N …. (Europe)
Jack A …. Sick bed, though we’ve received an update that Jack is in good spirits and will re-join us when it’s a bit warmer.
We welcomed back the holiday makers:
Nev D …. (Burleigh, Qld.);
Sally B …. (Moruya, South Coast);
Karl M …. (Maroochydore,Qld.);
The evening was abuzz with the roll-up to the new CWCC inspection. We had a contingent present and accounted for. There was only one problem… apparently nobody had told the CWCC! There was no finger food, no chaperone, and no key. All we had was a bunch of eagerly awaiting Rotarians shouting out “let me in”. Had anybody been told that the inspection had been postponed? PP Adam certainly paid for the little indiscretion. Well thank goodness that we were within a short walk of the RSL…we needed the exercise anyhow.
In the singing of Rotary Grace, we have found another singer in Anthony J (that is now 2) who joins Rob B in the ask-them-only list.
Frank S won the H&T while later in the night the door prize was won by Anthony J (only took him 3 years).
Anthony J let us know that we’ve received a thankyou from the PCYC for our $250 donation.
Anthony J gave us an update on the Macquarie Tutorial Centre. The money we donated has been spent: 50% going on their new woodworking set-up and the other 50% purchasing camping equipment. The lads could not wait to christen the new tents so their fearless leader gave in and took them. The moral to the story is that it is highly recommended that one should not go camping without firstly checking on the weather forecast. Wind, rain, winter and fist-fights are not a good mix. Their “emergency” car got bogged in the mud for an hour-and-a-half. All I could say about this situation is that is why Anthony J is still at school – he is a slow learner (hahaha). Anthony again asked for volunteers to drop in to help with his woodwork programme.
We have now got a new friend in Sally B. The club pays Rotary Health for the privilege of all members being a friend; no need to phone or ask; Sally – welcome. Photos were taken but were of such low quality that they could not be published... well, okay, here's the better of the two taken so we can (again) fine Adam S as the photographer.
Bob P let us know that the $1200 cheque we sent to Shelter Box Australia has been returned. Apparetly, about 4 months ago, SBA terminated their affiliation with Shelter Box UK and are now referred to as Disastar Relief Australia. We’ll ask the DG during his visit if we should simply re-donate to Disaster Relief Australia.
Steve E has been contacted by Nicole Cullen, a Para-Olympic equestrian. She needs to raise $20,000 for her next competition in Kentucky, USA but can’t raise anything without the appropriate license. Nevil Barlow has previously given her a lot of assistance in fund raising in cooperation with our club but the club has never directly supported her. We have a general rule to avoid supporting individuals, no matter how needy or how good the cause, as it sets a dangerous precedent. We’ve decided to forward it on to the board for discussion.
Adam S let us know that no progress has really been made on the house in the past week as he’s waiting for prices from builders.
“the best recycler ever” were the words voiced by Steve E when our treasurer Bob P reached into the club coffers to pay a fine. I know that at times we all run a bit short but to “borrow” club money that had just been placed in front of him some 20 seconds earlier is going to the extreme. I guess one just had to be there to appreciate the magnitude of such an occasion.
Eric D will be the club representative for the Edgell jog meeting come August 18th. Edgell Jog is again on Sunday, September 12. Your help will be appreciated.
Rob B. has the programme list under control (see below) and it is filling fast. Fellows, if we could keep it at the month in advance then we would be doing really great!
Speaking of the upcoming program, Greg S has raised the idea of his son (a.k.a. Tom Cruise) to host a cocktail party. There was some discussion if we’d open it up to the public and make it a fund raiser or if we’d just have it as a partners social night. The liquor licensing would probably get complicated if it was a public event so we might just keep it as a members-only event with full frocks and suits.
A big thanks from me (Eric) to Pres Pete for his ongoing contributions to the blog.
This week (August 10)
There is going to be a lesson in Flying / Gliding from our fellow member Chris B. Chris will also have a short video to be watched and has advised us that the presentation will run overtime. I just hope that no-one is scared of heights.
Unfortunately, the blog editor Eric D will be an apology (I’ll do an online make-up, I promise). Next week’s blog will be a combination effort between Danielle and Pete.
In the coming weeks:
August (Stand in Sergeant, Steve E)
August 10 - Chris B - Flying / Gliding Basics
August 17 - Danielle B - Warren Summerville to accept the PHF
August 24 - Bob P - Wires – Kerry Pearce
August 31 - DG Neal Fogary to attend our club meeting
September (Stand in Sergeant, Peter F)
September 7 – Rob B - Rick Foster - BRC
September 12 – Edgell Jog
September 14 – Adam / Karl - Wine tasting night
September 21 - Arthur C
September 28 - Nev D
October (Stand in Sergeant, Anthony J)
October 5 - Eric D
October 12 - Steve E
October 19 - Peter F
October 26 - Anthony J
November (Stand in Sergeant, David N)
November 2 - Alan B
November 6 - Chris B - Carrington House Dinner
November 9 - Danielle B
November 16 - Frank S
November 23 – Greg S - Reliance merger – John May
November 30 - ???
December (Stand in Sergeant, Bob P)
December 7 - David N – Dec 7
December 14 - Sally B – Dec 14
December 21 - Danielle B - Christmas get together
Joke: For all of you who are seniors - for all of you who know seniors - and for all of you who will be seniors.
The Sunday Paper
"WHERE is my SUNDAY paper?" The irate customer calling the newspaper office loudly demanded, wanting to know where her Sunday edition was.
"Madam", said the newspaper employee, "today is Saturday.
The Sunday paper is not delivered until tomorrow, on Sunday".
There was quite a long pause on the other end of the one, followed by a ray of recognition as she was heard to mutter, "By golly gosh, that's why no one was at church today"
Received mail:
The District 2030 is sponsoring a new interesting initiative, aimed to help young people, musically gifted and longing to follow the art of singing and to celebrate at the same time the memory of the great Italian tenor Luciano Pavarotti, unfortunately dead on September 6th 2007.
The competition, according to the personal wishes of Luciano Pavarotti, is open to all young singers with the age between 18 and 28 years in the course of 2010; it will be held from the 16th to the 18th of December 2010, being the Final Round and the Prizes distribution broadcasted in a video--‐conference.
The announcement of the Competition has been sent already to all musical Institutions worldwide, but I think that a direct involvement of all the Districts of Rotary International around the world will help not only to reach young singers, who perhaps have no link with the official Institution of their country, but also to show the world a Rotarian program, of which we can only be proud, as it offers another positive example of the attention of our Association to the needs of the young generations.
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