David N has a birthday on Sept 10
Anthony J’s wife has a birthday on Sept 25
Karl’s wife Eva has a birthday on Sept 12
Bob and Jenny celebrate a wedding anniversary on Sept 30
Meeting of August 31....
Please don’t forget about the Edgell jog taking place on Sunday, Sept 12. We need at least 10 Rotarians there if this year’s tag collection system is going to work. If runners wander off with their timing tags, they'll receive a bill for $50 in the mail which will put them off the whole event, which event organisers don't want. Organisers are really relying on us so please come if you can. I’ll collect names at this week’s meeting or you can ring me to volunteer if you won’t be at this week’s meeting.
This week we welcomed our District Governor Neil, his wife Barbara, and the ADG Greg. Also joining us again was the NSW Fire Brigade Station Office, Mark.
We also took apologies from Danielle B and Adam S.
I finally won a H&T session but, since there was now Christmas cake on offer, I donated my choice of the red or white to Barbara.
From the secretary, we’ve heard back from RC Oberon about the BBQ we’d agreed to help them with but they later cancelled. They’re interested in trying to hold it again in the last two weeks of October or on the first week in November. Since we’re all tied up with our Gala dinner on November 6th we’ll agree to the last two weeks in October. Anthony will let us know more details soon.
Rob B has let us know that the shade-house that they’ve been waiting for the site to be ready to assemble the house on (for six months) is finally ready. Now all they need now is a date.
Rob also gave us all a reminder to stay on top of who are our guest speakers. Rick Foster this coming week. Hopefully that’s right, Rob? Please check below for the week you're on for...
David N gave us a 3-minuter on his world travels. Dave didn’t give away much, which means that he must have had a great time, but he did say that he ran into his god mate Richard Branson in Heathrow airport.
ADG Greg Madden pointed out that in our meeting room we now have hooks on walls for us to hang regalia on. Greg also let us know that he’s in contact with the Bathurst city council about gateway entrances into Bathurst. If nothing else, people entering Bathurst should know the service clubs operating in the city so the entrance from Orange Road will have the Rotary logo, plus Apex and presumably other clubs.
Anthony was back on deck as our stand-in sergeant and he has clearly been missing his duties… it was a brutal session that certainly must have raised a small fortune… even Neil and Barbara were not safe!
Anthony won the door prize… sort of. I think Anthony is the first to win by losing his ticket.
We then heard from DG Neil. Neil told us about his early days in sheep breeding, specifically as it relates to genetic improvements in the last 15 years.

Neil has been a Rotarian for 26 years. He’s been a member of the FAME Team that went to Malaysia (with our own Jack A). He’d also been on a GSE Team to Canada and travelled to San Diego for the Rotary International Assembly. Neil also told us about his experiences in Montreal at the Rotary World Conference with 20,000 other Rotarians.

Neil spoke particularly about the power of the clubs (The international president’s slogan: “Building Countries; Bridging Continents”). And one can’t hear from a DG without hearing about Polio; now Polio is only left in four countries! His final comments were about reading the District Newsletter and the District Conference in Orange.
Bob P moved the vote of thanks, particularly thanking Neil for giving a presentation with a personal touch rather than the run-of-the-mill speech about how wonderful Rotary is... something we all know already! Neil gave us a presentation about his personal experiences with Rotary which was thankfully refreshing.
In the coming weeks...
September (Stand in Sergeant, Peter F)
September 7 – Rob B - Rick Foster - BRC
September 12 – Edgell Jog
September 14 – Adam / Karl - Wine tasting night
September 21 - Arthur C
September 28 - Nev D
October (Stand in Sergeant, Anthony J)
October 5 - Eric D (CWCC inspection)
October 12 - Steve E
October 19 - Peter F
October 26 - Anthony J
November (Stand in Sergeant, David N)
November 2 - Alan B
November 6 - Chris B - Carrington House Dinner
November 9 - Danielle B
November 16 - Frank S
November 23 – Greg S - Reliance merger – John May
November 30 - ???
December (Stand in Sergeant, Bob P)
December 7 - David N – Dec 7
December 14 - Sally B – Dec 14
December 21 - Danielle B - Christmas get together
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