Thursday, February 17, 2011

Rotary Program Feb - Jun 2011

Here is the program which Rob has put together for the next 6 months. Please take note of when your duty is and if you have any questions please have a chat with Rob B.
Please confirm with Rob three weeks before hand, and if you could ask someone to do a vote of thanks that would be appreciated.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Tuesday 8 Feb 2011

Meeting of 8th February 2011
This meeting held particular importance for our longest serving member, Jack Aubin. Unfortunately due to Jack's health he was unable to attend the meeting which was in his honour of his 90th birthday celebrations!!

Jack's wife, Ruth
Nev's wife, Johanna
Pete's wife, Vicky
Karl's wife, Eva
Alan's wife,

Unfortunately I didn't catch all of the apologies, but I know one of them would have been Jack Aubin due to his health. So I'm very sorry for anyone else I missed.

Sergeant Adam started off with a round of heads & tails with Anthony taking the prize.
Lucky Door prize went to one of our lovely guests, Pres Pete's wife, Vicky.

Pictures from the Duck Race on Australia Day

Meeting Minutes

* Rob B talked about the draft program which he has put together. Please take note of when your name is down to provide a guest speaker, or take the stage for the 3 minuter.
Here is what Rob has come up with so far up until April, feel free to speak up if you have any ideas.
Date Organiser Speaker/Topic/Activity 3 minutes
15 Feb Rob/Anthony Club Discussion
22 Feb Tim Stuart Cole (Financial Advisor/Running) Adam
1 Mar Karl & Rob Paul Toole ??? Arthur
8 Mar Mark Life before Rotary Eric
15 Mar Nev Games night - Bx East??? Anthony
22 Mar Chris Flying Bob
30 Mar David N Real Estate in Bathurst Greg
w/e 2 Apr Peter Mayfield Garden
5 Apr Tim Peter Wright - Basketball Rob
w/e 9-10 Apr B2B
12 Apr Adam David W
w/e 16 Mayfield Garden
19 Apr Arthur Danielle
* David W talked about the Bathurst Half Marathon which is coming up on Sun 1st May. This is any easy was for the club to make $1,000 by providing 20 officials on the day. So please mark this date in your diary to help out. It will start again from the Bathurst Rugby Club on Hereford Street.

* Bob P also reminded everyone about the annual Golf Day. He had placed a booking in for Sunday 8th May, although this is mother's day which could affect the numbers on the day. Bob is going to check and see if there may be another suitable weekend.

The main focus of the evening was the fact that Jack is celebrating turning 90, and that is an amazing milestone. Therefore it was fitting for some of the senior members of the club to reflect on their memories of Jack and his involvement with rotary.

Frank S
- Remembers him and his late wife going to many a social function in Bathurst with Jack & Ruth, they were always good company.
- Jack & Ruth being married for 59 years in Nov this year, which is another amazing milestone
Karl M
- Has fond memories of the Aubin Brothers Ford delaership in Bathurst
- Jack was always refered to as "Mr Rotary" as he represents a true rotarian in every sense of the word, and it very well known in Rotary circles
- Rotary used to be more about buiness, and was built on the original principals of Paul Harris and his mates sharing business and knowledge with each other. Karl remembers Jack being part of this type of exchange back in the days
- Jack also has 100% attendance across his many years of Rotary which is something that would not be a regular occurance. This is an amazing feat!
- Jack used to put together the Rotary bulletin each week and did an amazing job, it has never been done like that again!

Nev D
- Got to know Jack from the garage (Aubin Bros), and joined Rotary around the same time as Jack
- Remembers when the group used to meet above what was Heath's Cafe and then the Motor Lodge
- Jack started the 'Jack Aubin Young Citizen of the Year" award, this is very important to the club and now needs someone to follow in Jack's footsteps and continue on with this award under his guidance until he is ready to give it up all together
- Was there at Mount Panorama for the 12 Hour when Craig Lowdnes and Warren Luff came up to visit and wish Jack a happy 90th birthday, Jack was absolutely delighted

Alan B
- Jack was District Govenor from 88-89
- He was President of the Rotary Club of Bathurst prior to this
- Another aspect of Rotary which Jack was heavily involved was Rotaract, he started the first club for the youth of Bathurst
- Jack also boasts and is very proud of the fact that he went to the very first race at Mount Panorama 50 years ago, hence his love of motor cars!

Ruth A
- Jack has been a Rotarian for 48 years, he was nominated by Bob Coote to join
- Jack has held a number of high positions within Rotary and we have been able to enjoy some great times meeting people and travelling all over the Rotary district and the world
- Jack has an OAM, and has also been bestowed with the highest Rotary honour, a Paul Harris Fellowship due to his service. He was also awarded Citizen of the Year in Bathurst, and started the Young Citizen of the Year.

Once everyone heard these stories, I could definately say that I feel very privledged to know Jack, and be part of the Rotary Club of Bathurst. Jack has done so much in his 90 years, and given so much of his time to serving his community. I hope that we as a club are able to continue to keep up the high standard which Jack has set over his many years of service.

\veryone then say happy birthday to Jack and Ruth blew out the candles and cut the cake. So even though Jack wasn't there in person, he was there in spirit and I'm pretty sure everyone had a drink for him! Hopefully Jack will be back on his feet soon and we will see him at Rotary.

A quick reminder that the meeting this week is an opportunity for everyone to chat about the direction for the club over the next 12 months. So if you have some ideas please bring them along and be ready to listen and chat.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

25 January 2011

Hello Fellows,

Welcome to the very first post on the blog for 2011!

I hope everyone enjoyed their chirstmas breaks with family & friends, and now back into all that consumes our lives!

Here are some pics from the clubs' last project before christmas, the shadehouse at MacKillop College. A big thank you to everyone who helped with this project.

Just a reminder that it is Australia Day tomorrow, so that means the Duck Race is on! So if you are able to get down there and help, here are the details from David Weekes, there will be some more dicussion at the meeting tonight, which is at the RSL Club.

Table set-up commences from 9:00am tomorrow, official Australia day proceedings commence from 9:30am and conclude at 1:00pm. The Duck Race is scheduled for 12:30pm. Please all wear your Rotary Polo shirt and other Rotary accessories as available

We need to man our stall for sale of ducks from 9:30am and get the ducks ready for racing. We need at least three people at the desk to sell ducks and this will get very busy toward the end and we need everyone we can get at that time. Does anyone have a shade shelter – the Council will have a table and chairs but we need our own sun shelter.

We will also need three Operational Teams: Starters, Finishers and Race Marshals (promoters, record keepers and prize givers).

Starters – Rob Barlow will need help with the starting pen and start – say 3 plus Rob. These people will need to be in the water to hold and load the starting pen up river.

Finishers – one person to collect the winning 2 ducks and relay the numbers to the Race Marshals. At least three others to catch the other ducks and load back in the storage tubs. Rob will have a net behind the finish rope to catch the ducks but depending on the flow this could be tricky and we could need back stops. Older kids would be good for this part as it may involve some jumping around in the water. Please ensure everyone who will be in the water wears shoes that can get wet and other appropriate clothing.

Race Marshals – Someone to periodically get on the Mike and spruke up duck sales (will Phil Cole be available for this and to “call” the Race– would you check with him please David Nichol and issue the invitation if necessary – I will confirm proceedings with BRC and let you know tonight the format and facilities available). We also need someone to identify the winner from our paperwork and relay that info for announcement and to ensure thanks to all our sponsors and helpers and reiterate the virtues of Rotary and the race charity (RDA).

From the collar:
Prior to Xmas I was busy attending speech nights at Bathurst High and Coreen School. They were both competely different presenations and worthwhile to say the least. They were a reality check, not being in the education field. Jack A. represented the club at McKillop College.

Our shade houses have finally been finished (refer picture). A great effort for those in attendance.

The support for the selling of the Ducks in preparation for the big race come Australia Day has been great – thank you all for your effort – now the race.

The recent floods have been devastating to say the least. As sad as what it is the drought that had occurred here in NSW over the last 10 years cost more lives and dollar value than that of the recent devastating SE Qld floods.

The media hype that has been displayed is absolutely sickening.

I had emailed the other Rotary clubs in our zone with our idea of picking an outback town in NSW - with 1 reply ‘noted with thanks’. One can only assume who cares? Lets’ not get carried away here as the flood waters are still coming south – we still have a long way to go.

I then took a phone call from the Western Advocate newspaper asking me what our club was doing about the SE Qld floods. I asked what he had done for the NSW towns of Bourke and Warren that had, at that point, been underwater for 3 weeks ….. now that slowed him down ……. It is a pity that if something is going to be printed then they should get it right and not be misquoted. I am sure that we have all experienced that ….. our ducks now sell for $100.-- !!!

Expectation to do something, not only by local media but also that of the powers that be in Rotary is concerning as at the end of the day, we are only volunteers and givers at that.

I had apologised in advance for my non attendance at the district AGM in November, due to Dads condition at the time. I had sent in an idea of helping a small community out (faime style), even suggesting that it be adopted, trial it at the then Lockhardt floods. I am positive to say that if the Nov 12, 2010 email had been discussed then our Rotary District would have been much more organised to say the least.

18 / 1 /2011: PDG Fred Loneragan to Head Flood Relief Efforts
DG Neal has appointed PDG Fred to head up the relief efforts of the District. The situation has become immense, and DG Neal sees that a coordinated effort will be best. Already donations are coming into the Fund initially set up with District Treasurer Geoff Tancred . These funds will be distributed to the Rotary Districts that have been flooded. With more than 30% of Victoria under water, and an area the size of France soaked in Queensland, these events are unprecedented. The families affected will need lots of help to recover.

1. Rotary fodder drives at this stage from Parkes, Wagga Wagga, Narrandera and West Wyalong where it will be transported to flood affected areas. (Bathurst farmers organised one 2 weeks ago).

2. Many Rotary Clubs have been and are becoming active in fundraising and financial support. District Treasurer P P Geoff Tancred is accepting on behalf of the District donated P O Box 955 ,Orange. N S W 2800. When sending donated funds please specify as to the funds being Non Taxable Donations, or taxable donations for this area of deductibility you will need the details of the donor, their address and the amount donated. ,this receipt will be provided from a charitable fund that is registered as a tax deductible gift recipient with the Australian Tax Office.

All funds donated by individuals, club s, business and the corporate sector will be fully counted as Rotary District Donations and dispersed to Rotary Districts in the usual manner, there will of course be NO ADMINISTRATION fees deducted from your original donation.


Other News:
1. Plenty of reading with 75 pages of Management of donated goods. This was written 12 months ago by the SA government – after the VIC bushfires. I think a big point that we can take from all this is that cash is probably the best thing to donate in most cases.

2. 2011/12 Rotary logo: “Reach within and Embrace Humanity”.

3. Centurion Membership Drive
The Floods in Australia have brought into pretty sharp focus the need to be prepared for “Mother Nature”! At the same time we have had the on going problems in Haiti and some three hundred or more people killed in Brazil. In some of those countries there is little help available! Here we have a caring workforce able to do things. Over there...?

Your $2.00 per week will help to bring normality back to them as the Foundation joins with Rotary Clubs to rebuild Lives. Your membership of The Centurion Club will help the Foundation do its wonderful work. Now there is a new option open to us to add our support to the Foundation. It’s called Direct Debit. Every month (or the time frame you think appropriate) your donation is debited from your account. It is relatively painless. Just $10 each month will make a huge difference to the lives of so many. If you are not a Centurion yet, here is an opportunity to join with your fellow Rotarians in a new, easy way. If you are about to renew your membership, you might like to consider this option as well. For all the details go to

4. District Conference is just around the corner and registrations can be made on-line.