Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Tuesday 23 November

Meeting Tuesday 23 November

Guests, Apologies & Prizes
Greg brought along special guests, Keith & Jan Bayliss. Keith was the guest speaker and is the Site Coordinator at Bathurst Hospital.

Visiting Rotarian, Peter Flude was welcomed on the evening, always good to see him at our meetings.

Apologies from David W, Sally B, Adam S, Rob B & Jack A.

Heads & Tails won by Alan B.

Raffle was won by Greg S, who kindly donated the wine to our visiting Rotarian, Peter Flude. This was a well deserved present after Peter was hounded during the Sergeant session by stand in sergeant, Anthony J!

Meeting Minutes
Anthony read out some correspondence received;
- Letter from the National Boys Choir about their visit to the area, and they would be keen to do a fundraising concert if the club are interested in organising the details. The members agreed this would be a good idea, but would need to have some more discussion around it and brought up at the next board meeting.
- A sheet was sent around for everyone to update their Rotary Down Under contact details, if you weren’t there please ask Anthony for the details.
- Some more information was passed around for business owners to promote their business through Rotary, again ask Anthony if you missed out.

Nev D reminded everyone about the Christmas Cakes & puddings again, please put in your order soon.

Guest Speaker
Keith Bayliss was introduced to the group as the Site Coordinator for Bathurst Hospital. Keith has been an electrician for 33 years and worked in the power industry including Wallerawang and Eraring Power Stations. He has also worked as a security installer and as an electrician at the former Bathurst Base Hospital for 10 years.

He is now the Site Coordinator at the newly renovated Bathurst Hospital and works for the contracted company called Spotless. Spotless are a very large company who employ over 30,000 staff across 30 countries. Some of the larger contracts they currently have include Qantas, fencing, housing, sporting venues (they will be catering for the Rugby World Cup in NZ next year). Something which you may not know about the company is that Spotless created the steel coat hanger, and started as a small dry-cleaning business.

The current contract which Spotless have with Bathurst Hospital is for 28 years and extends to the soon to be completed Bloomfield and Orange Hospital sites. The contracts include security, porters/wards man, cleaning, maintenance and grounds. Keith is responsible for the rosters, which are worked out on a 24 hour basis, paying all staff under his supervision, and ensuring when jobs are logged in the computer system they are completed within a suitable timeframe.

It is a 24/7 job, and was very full on when the new hospital opened, but has now settled down and things seem to be running more smoothly. Keith is also involved in the refurbishment of the heritage building which will be used for training and administration purposes. This is hoped to be complete by April 2011 for the different areas to move in.

It was very sad to hear last week that Neville Barlow (Rob B father & former member of our club) had passed away.

Neville was a former Bathurst Mayor and a good man. He was one of the most community minded man of his time and his passing is our loss. He was a can-do man. He was a capable and highly regarded businessman of the 80s and 90s. If something was good for Bathurst then he was always the first to put his hand up. He was one that we could all aspire to be.

His funeral will be held on Wednesday, 1st December, 2010 commencing at 11am. The cortege will leave All Saints' Anglican Cathedral, Church Street, Bathurst at the conclusion of the service for Holy Trinity Lawn Cemetery, Gilmour Street, Kelso.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Meeting, 9 November 2010

Upcoming dates of note:
David W and Kathy have a wedding anniversary on November 28
Pete C and Vicki have a wedding anniversary on November 29
Arthur and Hilary also have a wedding anniversary on November 30

Guests, apologies & prizes
Apologies from Eric D, Adam S & Chris B.
Danielle brought along special guests Bob & Cheryl Buckley
Anthony J kindly stepped up as sergeant for evening and kicked things off with heads & tails. Alan B was the lucky winner.
Later the raffle was quite controversial with Frank S claiming the win, even though Anthony swore black and blue it was his ticket which he left lying around. I say, 'you snooze, you lose!' Well done Frank!

Meeting Minutes
Anthony also provided us with a 3 minute session about the donations which the club has presented to his school and what they have been doing with the money. The school has been looking in to the fact that what kids are eating affects the way they behave at school. So the money has gone towards building a vegetable garden at the school, so that these vegetables can be used to provide healthy meals for the students, enhancing their behaviour.

The aim eventually will be that the school can provide the children with 3 meals a day, teaching them to cook these meals as well. The school has also purchased an aquaponics kit, which will enable them to have fish also. Anthony would also like to get the parents in the school to teach them how to cook healthy meals at home. This sounds like a great initiative and I'm sure the club are happy to continue to support it whenever possible.

Rob B reported that the program up until the end of the year is on track, and he did attempt to put the 2011 program up on the blog. It is yet to appear, but I will search for it!

David W asked everyone to think about the Duck Race and pitching in to help promote the ducks. He asked if anyone was happy to stay back after the meeting to have a chat, could they please do so.

Anthony put his other hat on as secretary and reported some incoming correspondence including receipts, cheques and a number of invites to school presentation days.

Nev D reminded everyone of the usual Christmas Cake/slices/biscuits sale. They are $15 each so please tell Nev if you would like any.

Guest Speakers
Tonight I decided to invite relations of mine, Bob & Cheryl Buckley, who also happen to be heavily involved in Lions on a local, national and international level.

Bob spoke first and covered off how Lions work for the same purpose as Rotary, improving the lives of other people. A similar project which Lions works on like Rotary's eradication of polio, is the eradication of childhood cancer. Bob has been invited to be a member of the board to work on this project.

Bob has been a member of Lions for 20 years, taking on a number of roles including secretary, president, zone chairman, district governor and national chairman. He spoke about the many great experiences both he and Cheryl have had traveling around Australia and the world as part of Lions.

One of Bob's biggest issues as a district governor was the same as all service clubs, increasing membership. It is becoming harder and harder to attract people to belong and especially the younger generation.

Bob & Cheryl both worked on a great project, raising $13,500 for Bob to shave of his moustache which he had for a number of years. All of this money went towards the eradication of children's cancer project.

Bob also had the opportunity to sit down with the former PM and discuss how service clubs could be better utilised to get messages across to the community. The PM was quite interested in this concept, and let's face it, it makes sense.

Another achievement which Bob mentioned was the current TV ads airing for Lions, he signed off on whilst national chairman. Since these ads started to air they have received over 1,000 enquiries on membership.

Cheryl then got her chance to speak to the group about her experience with Lions. Cheryl was originally a Rotaract member when she was younger, and Jack A used to look after the group. Cheryl believes that service starts at home, and learnt this from a very young age at her own home.

Cheryl also spoke about the importance of women in service clubs, but they do need more flexibility due to work and family commitments, as do most men these days. Cheryl has been a Lion for four years and enjoying traveling and supporting Bob in his many roles. She has decided to take on the role of President for the next year which will be a new challenge for her, but one which she is definately up for.

Cheryl mentioned about the struggle to get more and new members, but her approach is just to ask people, as many people as you can think of. Another idea is to ask couple's to come along, it is something they can do together, pending family obligations, or take it in turns to attend meetings and give service to the club.

Bob and Cheryl have most certainly achieved quite a lot as Lions, and really gave our club some things to think about and maybe some new ideas or approaches.

The invite is also open for our clubs to get together and work together on projects, or just to socialise. They both mentioned that in many towns they visited, the service clubs work together on projects, which can help to lighten to load.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Meeting 2 November 2010 - Melbourne Cup Day
Upcoming dates of note:
David W and Kathy have a wedding anniversary on November 28
Pete C and Vicki have a wedding anniversary on November 29
Arthur and Hilary also have a wedding anniversary on November 30
Special mention to go to Jack & Ruth Aubin who celebrated 59 years (1951) of marriage on 3 November. Congratualtions to Jack & Ruth.

Guests, Apologies & Prizes
Alan B brought along his guest speaker for the evening, John Fry
Apologies from: Danielle B, Anthony J & Adam S
Sally was the 'lucky' winner of the luck door prize and David W the winner of heads & tails.

After the Mebourne Cup draw at last week's meeting, Alan B was the winner of the bottle of port, he drew the winner Americain, well done Alan.

Meeting Minutes
Rob B has the 2011 list for guest speakers, so please make sure you make yourself aware of when your week is.

Fellows at the meeting dicussed at some length the facilities at Mayfield Gardens and how it was great to see some good old Rotary fellowship at the BBQ each weekend.

Nev D reminded everyone to let him know about their Christmas Cake orders asap, would be wise to get in before Eric does!

The program over the next few weeks until Christmas will be as follows;
Tue 9th Nov - Danielle B - Bob & Cheryl Buckley
Tue 16th Nov - Jack A is unable to organise Carla Archer, so Rob B maybe able to (TBC)
Tue 30th Nov - Frank S (TBC)
Tue 7th Dec - Dave N or Rob B
Tue 14th Dec - Sally P organise Christmas Drinks
Tue 21st Dec - Danielle B Christmas Party, details TBC and discussed

Another reminder, the Australia Day Duck Race will be going ahead again next year. David W is looking for people to help out with the organisation of this, and also to promote the buying of ducks. It will be discussed at this weeks meeting and volunteers are wanted!

Guest Speaker - John Fry

John worked as an environmental officer for Evans Shire Council, and is now heavily involved with Conservation Volunteers Australia and a self professed 'greeny'!

John is also involved with the Sisters of Mercy ecological project 'Rahamin' and has worked with them to set out a 5 year plan which includes the following initiatives:

- energy targets (retro fit buildings)
- perma culture (based on traditional land management, low fuel, water etc - sustainable living)

- educating schools kids in the catholic school system

- let your vegetable garden grow freely

From the DG:

** GSE hosts required.

The Philippines team arrives in Wagga on 20/02/11 and flys out of Orange after the annual conference. (April 1-3). I am required to submit their itinerary (including hosts and their addresses, dates, activities, locations, etc.) before 21/01/11. At this stage I know nothing of the team, their details are due with me December 7th.

Would you please make known to your members that the team is coming and that clubs will be asked to host the team. Many clubs have provided this service for many, many years and, I anticipate, will do so once again. They will tell you that it gives the club a lift, gets professional people in the community involved, and can be a stimulus for recruiting new members.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Meeting 26 October 2010

Upcoming dates of note
Arthur C’s wife Hilary has a birthday on November 5
David W and Kathy have a wedding anniversary on November 28
Pete C and Vicki have a wedding anniversary on November 29
Arthur and Hilary also have a wedding anniversary on November 30

Guests, Apologies & Prizes
Apologies were received from Nev Dawson, and there were no special guests at this weeks meeting.
Heads and Tails was won by Anthony in record time, I think it only took a couple of coin tosses. Alan B won the raffle later in the evening.

Meeting Minutes
Anthony reported not all that much correspondence, there was a letter from RIPEN for the Services Director which we eventually worked out was Chris Bennett.
David W asked that everyone please do some make ups if you are unable to attend the meeting, and let him know.

The program over the next few weeks will be as follows:
Tue 2nd Nov - Alan B will be bringin along John Fry
Tue 9th Nov - Danielle B (TBC)
Tue 16th Nov - Jack A will organise Carla Archer (TBC)
Tue 30th Nov - Frank S (TBC)
Tue 7th Dec - Dave N or Rob B
Tue 14th Dec - Sally P organise Christmas Drinks
Tue 21st Dec - Danielle B Christmas Party, details TBC

Just for fun, after all coins had been exhausted, we had a Barrier draw for the Melbourne Cup –
Cost $ 1.00 (those who didn't pay need to pay up this week, if not you will be charged $1.00 fine on top of your $1.00 sweep)
Prize being a bottle of Port donated by Pres. Pete.
Barrier Member
1 Weekes, David
2 Drinkwater, Eric
3 Aubin, Jack
4 Matiszik, Karl
5 Ellery, Steve
6 Ballinger, Danielle
7 Johnston, Anthony
8 Brown, Alan
9 Pardey, Bob
10 Matiszik, Karl
11 Crewes, Peter
12 Stanley, Greg
13 Sargeant, Tim
14 Bembrick, Sally
15 Smith, Frank
16 Drinkwater, Eric
17 Smith, Frank
18 Bennett, Chris
19 Schembri, Adam
20 Barlow, Rob
21 Nicoll, David
22 Johnston, Anthony
23 Ellery, Steve
24 Pardey, Bob

Congratulations are in order following the elections at our AGM.
The new board voted in will take effect 2011 – 2012.
The results are as follows:-
President - Johnston, Anthony
President Elect - Bembrick, Sally
Secretary - Weekes, David
Treasurer - Stanley, Greg
Club Administration - Barlow, Rob
Membership - Nicoll, David
Public Relations - Bennett, Chris
Service Projects - Schembri, Adam
Foundation - Drinkwater, Eric
Imm Past President - Crewes, Peter

A big thank you to all those that made the effort for Mayfield Gardens. For those that were ‘turned around’ due to the enclament weather that we experienced my apologise as it was beyond my control.
The numbers indicated by our members wanting to help was certainly very pleasing and gratitude has been extended by the Oberon club so well done fellows.

From the DG:
DG Neal has reported that the official visits of the 42 club has been completed.

Last year Clubs in the District donated over $1.4m – that is about $1200 per Rotarian. The great majority of that was donated to local community projects and groups, with additional support to national Rotary projects like Australian Rotary Health and ShelterBox as well as The Rotary Foundation and Polio Plus.

Generally I found the Clubs in good health, although most face some challenges.
Healthy Clubs have:
Well run meetings that are enjoyable, interesting and welcoming to visitors
Projects that engage and involve all members
Support a range of Rotary programs
Membership being a common challenge.

District 9700 Conference
Friday 1 to Sunday 3 April 2010 in Orange
Further details: will be available on the District website in December and you will be able to register online.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Meeting of October 19

Upcoming dates of note
Adam and wife Liz have a wedding anniversary on October 30.
Arthur C’s wife Hilary has a birthday on November 5
David W and Kathy have a wedding anniversary on November 28
Pete C and Vicki have a wedding anniversary on November 29
Arthur and Hilary also have a wedding anniversary on November 30

Guests, apologies and prize winners

Jack A brought his wife Ruth along in her Inner Wheel capacity. Also from Inner Wheel was Jacquin. Jack’s final guest was Melinda Nancarrow, the Youth Award winner for the month, and her parents.

Tim S also introduced a regular guest to our meetings, Mark. Great to see you back again Mark.

We had apologies from Bob P and Sally B.

Greg S won the H&T, giving the prize bottle of red to Melinda’s parents. Frank S won the door prize but refused the bottle of white, insisting on a red.

Meeting Minutes
After a bit of confusion about the assistance we were providing to the RC of Oberon at the Maitland BBQ, Anthony J reported that the matter had been settled. Pres Pete had circulated an email earlier in the week about how RC Oberon had still not heard form us about the assistance we’d be giving them. Anthony J was quick to respond to RC Oberon with the names recorded from our meeting last week about who’d be assisting and when.

Anthony also read us some correspondence from the Mitchell Conservatorium of Music. The annual scholarship we donate has been awarded to Olivia Fischer. She’s a young vocalist who would otherwise be unable to afford to continue her training without our assistance.

David W reports that the final stage we need to have all of our ducks in a row for the duck race is city council approval. David also circulated the letter explaining the duck race to schools, who can use the duck race to fund raise for their P&C. We’re still in need of some prizes to be donated.

Rob B has suggested that we have a working meeting on November 30 at MacKillop College to put up the shade house.

Chris B announced that the gala dinner has been cancelled.

Pete C reported on attending the opening of the new Grange building on CSU campus. It was very well attended by a range of Rotary clubs (RC Bathurst East as well as from Orange), city officials (like the mayor) and university big-wigs (like the Vice-chancellor). Pete asked me earlier in the week if I thought it would be worth going to and I suggested to him that it probably wouldn’t be. Pete told me he had a good feeling about it and would probably go. It turns out Pete was right and it was quite a wiz-bag affair.

David W then presented Melinda, an All Saints prefect, as the Youth Award Winner.

Jacquin then presented the Inner Wheel Trophy to our club. PP Adam accepted the award (dressed in his Sunday finest) and Jacquin presented it because they were both the respective presidents of the clubs last year when the trophy was won. We won the trophy by beating the other two clubs in Bathurst in billiards and 10-pin bowling. The awarding of the trophy began in 1979 to promote fellowship between the Bathurst clubs. There was the suggestion that the trophy be contested again with a twilight bowls event in January 2011.

Meeting for October 26
This week we’ll be having our AGM. This is the event where we discuss the club direction for 2011 and vote the board for 2011-12 so everybody should make a special effort to attend.

In the coming weeks
November (Stand in Sergeant, David N)
November 2 - Alan B
November 9 - Danielle B
November 16 - Frank S
November 23 – Greg S - Reliance merger – John May
November 30 - ???

December (Stand in Sergeant, Bob P)
December 7 - David N – Dec 7
December 14 - Sally B – Dec 14
December 21 - Danielle B - Christmas get together

Monday, October 18, 2010

Meeting 12 October

Tuesday 12 October

Guests & Apologies
Sally brought along Peter Veenstra as the guest speaker for the night. Peter is involved in Central West Rugby Union and also Lyndon House.
Roland was welcomed from a Rotary club of Darlington in England. He is in Bathurst visiting family, and has been to the club before.
Apology from President Pete.

Meeting Minutes
Heads & Tails was won by Greg Stanley, who then kindly passed on his bottle of red to the guest speaker for the evening, Peter Veenstra.

Anthony reminded fellows about our club helping out the Rotary Club of Oberon at the Mayfield Garden weekends. He handed around a timetable for people to place their names on. So if you missed out on putting your name down, hopefully you can let Anthony know this week. The details are as follows;
Sat 23 & Sun 24 October - from 9am - 12pm, and 12pm - 3pm
Sat 30 & Sun 31 October - from 9am - 12pm, and 12pm - 3pm
8 people are needed for each shift, please talk to Anthony for more information.

Chris & Sally gave an update on the Gala Dinner which was to be held on 6 November at The Carrington. Unfortunately I received a message from Chris during the week saying that the dinner had to be cancelled. Chris & Sally should be able to explain some more about this at the meeting this week, but this is a great concept so the club should work hard to make it happen another time.

Rob gave a quick update on the 'shadehouse' project at MacKillop College. He is waiting on hearing from the groundsman as to when the area will be ready, and then construction may be able to begin around mid November.

The raffle was then drawn, with the lucky winner Frank.

It was then time to hear from our guest speaker, Peter Veenstra.

Peter explained quite a bit about himself and the large amount of community engagement work which he has be involved with. He is a school teacher, and spent 37 years in this profession, whilst also a member of a number of community organisations in Engadine where he started teaching. He then moved to Orange and was given a position at Kinross Walaroi. He got involved in rugby when teaching at the school, and has since spent 23 years as a rugby administrator. Including secretary of Emu's Rugby Club and Chairman of Central West Rugby Union (CWRU), along with the junior side of CWRU.

Total there are 9 zones in Country Rugby Union, with the CWRU the second largest zone. There are 27 clubs, with the Blowes Menswear Cup the main senior competition followed by the Australian National Field Days Competition. There are also 15 junior clubs, with around 3,000 pleayers registered with CWRU. The main goal of his position and the board is to 'facilitate the playing of rugby by whoever wants to play'.

Peter also enlightened us with his other passion and interest which is his position as Chairman of the Lyndon Therapeutic Community. This is a drug and alcohol rehabilitation unit which commenced in Canowindra, and has since moved to Orange on the Bloomfield site.

Patients/clients are refered by majostrates or can approach the centre directly and be assesed, with the average stay for clients being 125 days. The total income for the centre for the last financial year was $4.23 million, which all came from government grants. The biggest problem with this money is the aquittal process which surrounds each grant received.

One final thing which Peter explained is his involvement with an Australian Drug Foundation prigram called 'GoodSports Program'. Basically it works to education sportspeople about the responsible consumption of alcohol, both players and spectators. It has been very successful in Victoria and he is working very hard with CWRU to try and educate the players in this type of behaviour. Some clubs are working very hard to create a family friendly atmosphere at their games, encouraging families to come along and provide activities for them to participate in, rather than drinking after a game.

Peter finished with a very confusing poem about Rugby Union. Personally I think Rugby Union is a very confusing game at the best of times, and I think this poem may have confused me even more! (Hence I didn't type it out!) Think I will stick with Rugby League which makes much more sense to me!

From the Collar:
Last week I was missing from ourmeeting. As president, I had been given an invite to attend on behalf of theclub an evening with the vice - chancellor at Charles Sturt University. The occasion beingthe opening of the extension of the Grange. As these invites are not a commonpractice the opportunity was certainly appreciated. The evening was aninsight into the workings of the hub of this great organisation. Thecommunication available is unparralled to that of 30 years ago where onlytelephone; telex and tell-a-woman were available. The export dollars that theCSU brings, not only to our community but to that of other regional centres isextroardinary and should be recognised by the community at large. Thesignificant achievements and future regional development in education willcontinue with the great leadership shown.

1. President Ray Klinginsmith wishes to recognize some unsung heroes at NewOrleans (names to be submitted) Rotarians who have sponsored 100 or more newmembers for their clubs or Rotarians who have been actively involved in theorganization of 10 or more new Rotary clubs.
With our rural demographs this is a great way to destroy abrand.

Nomination Guidelines
· Nominationswillbe accepted from Rotary Clubs in District 9700.
· Nominees may be Rotarians but where a Rotarian and anon-Rotarian are ranked equal by the selection panel, priority will begiven to the non-Rotarian.
· A nominee must be either an Australian citizenor a permanent resident of Australia.
· Nominees should preferably reside or carry out theirvocation within the boundaries of District 9700
· It needs to be shown that a nominee has a commitmentto high ethical standards and a record of outstanding directachievement in their chosen vocation which has been to the advancement of thatvocation and the nation.
· Excellence in Community Service does not come underthe conditions of this Award. The Vocational
Excellence must be evident in the direct activity and /or contribution by theindividual or individuals
nominated andnot merely occur within an organisation managed by the individual.
· The Committee, may at its discretion, determine notto make an award in a year if it feels that the standard of the nomineeswould lower the prestige of the Award.

It is imperative that nominees are NOT informed of their nomination until theAwards Committee has considered all nominations and has invited the successfulcandidates to accept the Award.
It is intended that the identity of the Awardees willbe revealed at the Awards Presentation Ceremony at the District Conference.

The awardee will receive a medallion with the designbearing a symbolic hand reaching for the Star of Excellence. A framed Citation Certificateis also presented to the awardees.

Nominating club arranges for theirnominee to attend the District Conference.
All costs in connection with the medallion andcitation certificate will be paid from District funds. Any cost of attendanceat the District Conference of the successful nominee and video production shallbe met by the nominating Club or the nominee.

1. 3.PR Seminars
Sat Oct30 Cowra Bowling Club
Brougham St (follow Darbys Falls Rd)
Start Time: 10am

Who should attend?
All PR Chairpersons and PR Committeemembers.
All Presidents and President'sElect.
All incoming PR Chairpersons
Anyone who might be at allinterested in Rotary Public Relations.

4. Police Awards.

The Rotary Clubs of NSW Inaugural NSWPolice Officer of the Year Awards are now really firing.

All nominations are now in, all 118of them. The panel are now diligently ploughing through them to initially cutit down to 3 finalists for each category then a winner for each category andfinally the overall NSW Police Officer of the Year. This will not be an easytask but I hope to be able to send you details of the finalists next week.

The level of excellence isoutstanding and a tribute to all our serving officers over all categories andthat includes the civilians with the VIPs and the community awards.

I have attached a spreadsheet withall nominations broken down by category and then by LAC. Where I know they area local Rotary award winner I have indicated with an R.

The Police Executive are reallyspreading the word and it is catching on, all 80 LAC’s in NSW have submitted a nomination (some of course who are existing Rotary awardwinners) which is unheard of.

They are encouraging all those whohave been nominated to get along to the night.

It would be a show of great supportto the force if Rotary clubs consider paying the function cost for their localnominee and their partner.

Tables are filling up fast with Policeoutnumbering Rotarians 3x1 at present. I ask you to get on line and startmaking your booking before it is too late. http://www.sydneyrotary.com/

I would also ask your help onceagain for some prizes or Silent auction items, my list is filling up but Iwould love to get some prizes from around the State and not just from Sydney.

Some wine, cosmetics, vouchers,TV’s DVD’s Bags, etc All help appreciated and donators will beacknowledged on the evening.

PS Remember we also have a greatRotary luncheon cruise organised for the Sunday you can book this at same timeyou book your Function tickets.

Please remember this is an eventrecognising not just the great work of the NSW Police but also off Rotaryand its commitment to the community all over NSW

Monday, October 4, 2010

Meeting of Tuesday 28 September

Tuesday 28 September

Guests & Apologies
Nev brought along his grand daughter, Alicia to speak to us. Alicia is a Psycholgist in Clinical Health and works at the Bathurst Hospital.
Aplogies from Karl, Tim & Anthony.

Meeting Minutes
Heads & Tails was won by Frank, and after a brutal fine session from the sergeant, I seem to now have written down the winner of the lucky door. My apologies, they shall remain nameless until next week's blog.

Chris B reported on the dinner, all is going well. He will have an update on the poster tomorrow and the design will be completed and he will send round to the committee for comments.

Arthur said the BBQ went well on the weekend previous, raising money and awareness for prostate cancer.

Pres Pete again reminded everyone (from the treasurer) that subs were now extremely OVERDUE for those who have not yet paid.

Jack gave us a 2 minuter which started off about his uncle who had many an exploit in his Model A. Jack recently received a phone call from a man from O'Connell who had heard a little about this and brough his 1930's Model T into town to show Jack. Thanks Jack for your always interesting stories which take us back in the history books.

A big congratulations to David N, who recently became a father of a gorgeous baby girl, Emily. Congratulations to both David & Joanne and their new arrival who is reported to be doing very well.

And one more, actually make that two congratulations to Danielle who announced that her and her husband Dane (he does exist!) are expecting twins at the beginning of March.

Guest speaker - Alicia Dawson
Finally we heard from Alicia Dawson, who as mentioned before is a Psychologist in Clinical Health at the Bathurst Hospital. She spoke to us about her current project which is her Masters, it is a very ambitious, but interesting concept that sounds very beneficial. It is a form of therapy for children incorporating dance, callee JitterJive.

Alicia has always had a keen interest in dancing and still teaches dancing to young children. This was she is including her passion for dance, with her passion for child therapy to complete her studies.

The masters will be based on early intervention for children who show signs of anxiety and depression. Alicia already deals with a number of children who are affected from anxiety and depression and this will hopefully give them another way of dealing with their illness.

Dance is such a widely used phenomenon, and used by all different cultures around the world. It allows people to express themselves in an active way rather than using words, which may be uncomfortable for some children.

The dance psychotherapy group will run for 8 weeks and will be aimed at 7-10 years olds who have anxiety and/or depression. It will aim to improve their self efficacy or self esteem. This is something which has never been done before, therefore making it hard to compare literature for her masters work. A similar, but paper based program will be used as a comparision called, Kool Kids which is run by Macquarie University.

Alicia is currently jumping through hoops to get all of her program approved in the health system, so we wish her all the best with that and look forward to hearing how it goes. Eric has also stepped in and offered to help her approach the University for access to a room at the gymnasium for the classes to take place.

Next week
Sally has organised our guest speaker for next week, it will be Peter Veneestra.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Meeting of September 21, 2010

September dates of note...
David N had a birthday on Sept 10
Anthony J’s wife had a birthday on Sept 25
Karl’s wife Eva had a birthday on Sept 12
Bob and Jenny celebrate a wedding anniversary on Sept 30

Visiting Rotarians, Guests and Apologies
It turns out that in last week’s blog I was wrong! Arthur C did indeed bring a guest. Our club welcomed Duncan McDonald, a life member of our club.

We accepted apologies from Danielle and Karl.

Meeting Minutes
Tim S won H&T while Adam won the door prize draw (which he donated to Duncan).

The club treasurer will become less gentle in his reminders for subs. I believe Bob will be employing the assistance of Nev to start breaking knee caps.

Arthur handed around flyers for a BBQ to raise awareness of prostate cancer. It was held on Sept 25 at Machattie Park. Hopefully we’ll get a report from Arthur about how it went.

Speaking of prostate cancer, Pres Pete reported that his PSA’s are below 0.01.

Rob B reported that the ongoing saga of the shade houses should be coming to an end. While they are more complicated to put up than they appear, he’s hoping for a mid-October completion date.

While Rob had the floor, there was discussion around meeting activity dates. I think we decided on an October 26 AGM. Can somebody correct me if that’s wrong?

Chris B informed us that we are “past the point of no return” on our gala dinner as our first bills have been paid.

Tim S gave us a 3-minute update on his travels to Singapore specifically visiting WWII sites.

Arthur then introduced Duncan. Duncan read to us from his memoirs, starting with his being born in India in 1915. There were some amazing stories that Duncan had, but being such a humble man, he glossed over some remarkable events as though he believed they couldn’t possibly be of interest to anybody. I looked at Rob B sitting next to me wondering if I’d heard right that Duncan was on guard for King George’s Jubilee! Note that Duncan simply made such passing reference to this that Rob looked over at me in equal puzzlement to confirm whether he’d heard it right too.

This all happened when he was attending University of Windsor in London while working as a postal clerk and was a military reservist at the age of 18.

Duncan also spoke of his days as an able-seaman during WWII on ships specialising in anti-submarine and anti-aircraft. Unfortunately his stories were so interesting that I forgot to keep notes. If you attended the meeting, you’ll know what I mean. If you missed the meeting, you missed an absolute CRACKER of a guest! There was one story about capturing information about how to disguise your ship to look like the enemy, so when enemy recon aircraft flew over they wouldn’t call in an attack… information that surely saved many ships and many lives.

Duncan also highlighted his love of cinema. He told of seeing his first movie at 7 years old, and then in 1988 he finally made his own documentary. He re-married in (I think) 1990 and has made another travel of the world.

I’m sure I missed a lot of detail but Duncan was such a great guest that he really had to be heard to be believed.

Program for September 28
Nev D is bringing his granddaughter Alicia, a psychologist at the Bathurst Hospital will be talking about anxiety, depression and the importance of self-efficacy in children.

Also note that there will be a Board meeting after this evening’s meeting.

Program for October 5
I’ll be in charge of a tour of the new CWCC facilities. Note that this will probably include more than the last time we all appeared there!

In the coming weeks
October 12 - Steve E
October 19 - Peter F
October 26 - Anthony J

November (Stand in Sergeant, David N)
November 2 - Alan B
November 6 - Chris B - Carrington House Dinner
November 9 - Danielle B
November 16 - Frank S
November 23 – Greg S - Reliance merger – John May
November 30 - ???

December (Stand in Sergeant, Bob P)
December 7 - David N – Dec 7
December 14 - Sally B – Dec 14
December 21 - Danielle B - Christmas get together

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Meeting of September 14

September dates of note...
David N has a birthday on Sept 10
Anthony J’s wife has a birthday on Sept 25
Karl’s wife Eva has a birthday on Sept 12
Bob and Jenny celebrate a wedding anniversary on Sept 30

Visiting Rotarians, Guests and Apologies
This week Jack brought a guest, Ben Price. Ben is a science teacher who has been in Bathurst 6 months.

We also had apologies from Tim S and Karl M.

Meeting Minutes

H&T was won by Rob B while Jack won the door prize.

This week’s meeting may seem to have been uneventful when you look at how short the blog is but there was some very important discussion around the dinner Chris B is organising for November 6.For those of you that missed the meeting, you’re now waaaay behind in the stuff that needs to happen for the night to be a success. Simply showing up on the night is not enough of a part for each of us to play since this leave the majority of work to just a few people.

Most importantly, we discussed soliciting prizes for the silent auction as well as ticket sales. If anybody has an "in" with a local business, please let Chris know ASAP.

From the meeting of September 7, Pres Pete sent through some notes that I’ve included below.

Program for September 21
This week’s program is in the hands of Author C. since we haven’t seen author for a while, I’m doubtful if we’re going to have a program.

In the coming weeks…
September 28 - Nev D – Alicia Dawson, a psychologist at the Bathurst Hospital will be talking about anxiety, depression and the importance of self-efficacy in children.

October (Stand in Sergeant, Anthony J)
October 5 - Eric D (CWCC inspection)
October 12 - Steve E
October 19 - Peter F
October 26 - Anthony J

November (Stand in Sergeant, David N)
November 2 - Alan B
November 6 - Chris B - Carrington House Dinner
November 9 - Danielle B
November 16 - Frank S
November 23 – Greg S - Reliance merger – John May
November 30 - ???

December (Stand in Sergeant, Bob P)
December 7 - David N – Dec 7
December 14 - Sally B – Dec 14
December 21 - Danielle B - Christmas get together

Finally, I’ve been asked to post again the instructions for doing an e-makeup meeting.
1. Go to http://www.rotary.org.au/
2. Click on “Rotary Districts”
3. Click on “9700”
4. Click on “Links”
5. Click on “Meeting Make-up at Rotary eClub”
6. Click on “Make-up programs”
7. You will arrive at a page of links to videos, podcasts and written articles about Rotary and its programs, leadership, social issues, and a whole lot of other interesting things. For an e-makeup, you should spend at least 30 minutes working your way through the programs. Take note of which ones you work through because you’ll need their titles later. Thirty minutes is not as tedious as it may sound at first… just writing this blog entry I got sidetracked reading articles and spent 40 minutes there without even realising it!
8. Once you’ve worked your way through the programs, click on “Request makeup”. You’ll be prompted to make a donation which you can think of as your weekly $15. However there is no requirement to donate and you can just look for the “Click here” link.
9. From there, find the button to “Request Makeup Form”
10. There are four pages you’ll need to fill out. There are red asterisks next to required fields… be sure to fill these in because when you try to submit the form, you’ll get sent back to the beginning if any required fields are missing.
11. On page two is where you need to enter how long you’ve spent on the different programs (minimum of 30 minutes) and the name(s) of the program(s) you reviewed.
12. On the fourth page is where you put where you want the record of your e-makeup to be emailed. You can either email it to yourself, print it, and bring it to David W to be recorded, or just enter David’s email address and it will be sent directly to him. David’s email is davidw(insert the symbol for ‘at’)wcbx.com.au.

Meeting of September 7
Anthony J
Steve E
Frank S
Sally B

Heads & Tails won by Dave N
Lucky Door Prize won by Adam S

Adam S: reported that both he and Chris B had done an enormous amount of work in costing the ‘build a house’ idea. They based the cost on a 4 bed; 2 car garage. With the kind generosity of Alan B they came to the conclusion that the profitability in the current climate would not be worthwhile based on the present sales in the area.

Chris B: indicated that he is after donated prizes for a silent raffle to be held on the gala night November 6. Prizes of around $25 – $125 accepted.

Bob P: is still after subs fellows; there is plenty of blanks...

Thank you to those fellows that helped out at the Edgell Jog. The new method of collecting shoe tags was certainly different and there were no spelling mistakes (editor’s note: Pres Pete was also present but was holding the camera).

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Meeting of August 31

September dates of note...
David N has a birthday on Sept 10
Anthony J’s wife has a birthday on Sept 25
Karl’s wife Eva has a birthday on Sept 12
Bob and Jenny celebrate a wedding anniversary on Sept 30

Meeting of August 31....
Please don’t forget about the Edgell jog taking place on Sunday, Sept 12. We need at least 10 Rotarians there if this year’s tag collection system is going to work. If runners wander off with their timing tags, they'll receive a bill for $50 in the mail which will put them off the whole event, which event organisers don't want. Organisers are really relying on us so please come if you can. I’ll collect names at this week’s meeting or you can ring me to volunteer if you won’t be at this week’s meeting.

This week we welcomed our District Governor Neil, his wife Barbara, and the ADG Greg. Also joining us again was the NSW Fire Brigade Station Office, Mark.

We also took apologies from Danielle B and Adam S.

I finally won a H&T session but, since there was now Christmas cake on offer, I donated my choice of the red or white to Barbara.

From the secretary, we’ve heard back from RC Oberon about the BBQ we’d agreed to help them with but they later cancelled. They’re interested in trying to hold it again in the last two weeks of October or on the first week in November. Since we’re all tied up with our Gala dinner on November 6th we’ll agree to the last two weeks in October. Anthony will let us know more details soon.

Rob B has let us know that the shade-house that they’ve been waiting for the site to be ready to assemble the house on (for six months) is finally ready. Now all they need now is a date.

Rob also gave us all a reminder to stay on top of who are our guest speakers. Rick Foster this coming week. Hopefully that’s right, Rob? Please check below for the week you're on for...

David N gave us a 3-minuter on his world travels. Dave didn’t give away much, which means that he must have had a great time, but he did say that he ran into his god mate Richard Branson in Heathrow airport.

ADG Greg Madden pointed out that in our meeting room we now have hooks on walls for us to hang regalia on. Greg also let us know that he’s in contact with the Bathurst city council about gateway entrances into Bathurst. If nothing else, people entering Bathurst should know the service clubs operating in the city so the entrance from Orange Road will have the Rotary logo, plus Apex and presumably other clubs.

Anthony was back on deck as our stand-in sergeant and he has clearly been missing his duties… it was a brutal session that certainly must have raised a small fortune… even Neil and Barbara were not safe!

Anthony won the door prize… sort of. I think Anthony is the first to win by losing his ticket.

We then heard from DG Neil. Neil told us about his early days in sheep breeding, specifically as it relates to genetic improvements in the last 15 years.

Neil has been a Rotarian for 26 years. He’s been a member of the FAME Team that went to Malaysia (with our own Jack A). He’d also been on a GSE Team to Canada and travelled to San Diego for the Rotary International Assembly. Neil also told us about his experiences in Montreal at the Rotary World Conference with 20,000 other Rotarians.

Neil spoke particularly about the power of the clubs (The international president’s slogan: “Building Countries; Bridging Continents”). And one can’t hear from a DG without hearing about Polio; now Polio is only left in four countries! His final comments were about reading the District Newsletter and the District Conference in Orange.

Bob P moved the vote of thanks, particularly thanking Neil for giving a presentation with a personal touch rather than the run-of-the-mill speech about how wonderful Rotary is... something we all know already! Neil gave us a presentation about his personal experiences with Rotary which was thankfully refreshing.

In the coming weeks...
September (Stand in Sergeant, Peter F)
September 7 – Rob B - Rick Foster - BRC
September 12 – Edgell Jog
September 14 – Adam / Karl - Wine tasting night
September 21 - Arthur C
September 28 - Nev D

October (Stand in Sergeant, Anthony J)
October 5 - Eric D (CWCC inspection)
October 12 - Steve E
October 19 - Peter F
October 26 - Anthony J

November (Stand in Sergeant, David N)
November 2 - Alan B
November 6 - Chris B - Carrington House Dinner
November 9 - Danielle B
November 16 - Frank S
November 23 – Greg S - Reliance merger – John May
November 30 - ???

December (Stand in Sergeant, Bob P)
December 7 - David N – Dec 7
December 14 - Sally B – Dec 14
December 21 - Danielle B - Christmas get together

Monday, August 30, 2010

Tuesday 24th August

Tuesday 24th August 2010

Bob Pardy introduced his guest, Scott Keen, a Corrective Services Officer in charge of the Outreach Program.

Apologies: Eric D, Dave N, Tim S, Sally B, Pete F, Steve E, Chris B, Arthur C, David W & Jack A.

Heads & Tails - there was quite a good chance to win this due to the small group on the night, but Nev D took out the crown and a bottle of wine.

Lucky Door - I seem to have not written this down for some reason, and it escapes me as to who won???? My apologies.

Bob again reminded everyone that Subs are due asap. Please get them to him as soon as possible fellow.
Bob also gave a quick update on the Shelter Box program and the response to the floods in Pakistan. There has already been close to 8,000, 8 person tents sent, with another 6,000 to be sent asap. As a club we donated $1,000 to the relief effort.

Adam gave a quick update on the house project. Both himself and Chris Bennett have been talking to a few builders, the main two which are under consideration are Hotondo Home and Jason McLaughlan. There still needs to be further investigatiojn into this project, Adam is working on some figures and will get those out asap.

Persident Pete asked for people to help at the Edgell Jog, this is on Sunday 12 September. There was a sheet passed around, if you weren't at the meeting please let Pres Pete know if you are available to help out for a couple of hours.

Also just to let fellows know that Arthur Cheers has been unwell and in hospital, but is on the mend. So please keep him in your thought.

GSE Team Leaders were selected last weekend, with one from a Murrumbidgee Club and one from an Orange Club. The teams will be selected this weekend 28-29 August.

Bob informed everyone that bot of our National Youth Science Forum (NYSF) applicants went well, one of them being selected to head to Canberra in January. Amanda Burbich from All Saint College, so we wish her all the best, and hopefully will hear how she goes early next year.

A very important reminder to everyone, the DG visit is this week (Tuesday 31 August), it was thought that the very low numbers last week may have had something to do with people thinking it was last week!!! So please make an effort to come along to the meeting tomorrow night to welcome the DG & his wife.

Nev D provided us with a 2 minute update about his recent holiday to Queensland. Sounded like the travel on the way there was just as much part of the holiday, with quite a number of stops along the way to visit family & friends. After starting in Sydney to visit his daughter and going to see West Side Story, the journey continued to Gosford, Kempsey, Ballina and their final destination Burleigh Heads. After enjoying the shoping, casino, sunshine and general balmy weather for a few weeks it was very hard to come back to our glorious weather! Welcome back Nev.

Finally our guest speaker Scott enlighted us with information about his role as a Correctional Services Officer at the Bathurst Gaol. He runs a program for up to abour 8 inmates which is a Mobile Outreach Community Service. They work Mon-Fri and help out community organisations or individuals with labouring jobs. They have a trailer that is kitted out with anything and everything any handyman or woman! would ever need. In 2008-2009 financial year alone Scott costed out they provided around $60,000 worth of free labour to the Bathurst Region community. This program is a great opportunity for inmates who are at a point where they trusted to go outside the prison walls to mis with the community and apply the skills they may have to some good. At first community members can be a little stand-offish with the group, but once they see the great work they can do, the support they receive and morning tea's is amazing.

Scott is keen to get the group helping with community groups such as Rotary on particular projects. The group thought this could be perfect for the work which the Riding for the Disabled are looking to do. A letter needs to be sent to the Govenor explaining and requesting the help, Scott can then schedule this in with his group. The group is currently working on building a community garden at St Jospeh's Mount, they have also done landscaping and gardening work at St Catherine's Nursing Home, and built large stables at one of the villages.

The program has been very succussful, and the Govenor has now requested that Scott assist to get another 8 programs just like his up and running in gaols across the state of NSW.

Scott was very interesting to listen to and is obviously passionate about the work he does, which shows in many ways. This program is highly important to prepare those inmates who are capable and ready to get back into the outside world and mix with community people.

Rob B gave a vote of thanks to Scott, and mentioned that we will definately be in touch for some assistance with the Riding for the Disabled project.

Mail received:

1. Foundation Seminar - Blayney
Possibly Wednesday October 13th as the date, timed to immediately precede the Dinner meeting (6 for 6.30 pm) to which all participants would of course be invited. We would need an indication of dinner mumbers at least a couple of days before the meeting. Foundation Month is November. The objective is to educate the Club Presidents, Foundation Directors and others interested in the Foundation so that they will be knowledgeable and stimulated to have programs in their Clubs about the Foundation during November. This leads to a greater understanding of the Foundation and its programs and will hopefully result in increased commitment to developing projects and contributions to the Foundation.

Brian Burke (Bathurst East) has said that he will take the job on, and he then immediately made enquiries to the Council about using the facilities at Mt Panorama, and found out that the Mount is booked until next March, so RYDA will have to go back until then. That may not be a bad thing as there would be a lot to organize if it were to be still in November. The Mount is apparently booked in Nov by some group which will pay, so our RYDA group wishing to use it without paying has to move to a time when it is not in use. I will provide more info as it comes to hand.



Further to my note of last Friday’s date, I just wanted to confirm that we can offer tax deductibility to individuals and corporations who may wish to contribute to The Rotary Foundation’s Pakistan Disaster Relief Fund. Just a few relevant points:

1. Contributions can be made using the attached form which will direct the funds through The Australian Rotary Foundation Trust. This form can be used for a contribution by cheque, direct debit or credit card and the contributor should simply write “Pakistan Disaster Relief” across the top to make his or her intentions known.

2. While these personal and corporate contributions are tax deductible, they will not attract PHF points. Club contributions will also not attract PHF credits.

3. All contributions will be consolidated in Evanston and used to fund matching grants that are specifically designed to restore normalcy to the lives of the Pakistan people and provide them with their basic requirements. These will be “second phase” programs and will not necessarily be of an immediate nature.

Please contact me if you have any queries on this program.

At Pets this year our then DGE Neal suggested that he wanted to see fun throughout his year. So I am asking you members to adopt the same policy of that below. It will make an enjoyable night if this can be arranged. We have all experienced boring DG meetings as such and this could make it memorable. I should mention that Neals’ wife Barbara has a very open mind as she is a trained psycologist.
1st prize will be a bottle of my favourite port !

How to Stay Awake at Meetings
Do you keep falling asleep in meetings and seminars? What about those long and boring conference calls? Here's a way to change all of that.

1. Before our next meeting, prepare yourself by drawing a square. I find that 3" x 3" is a good size. Divide the card into columns - three across and three down. That will give you 9 one-inch blocks. i.e. just like noughts and crosses.

2. Write one of the following words/phrases in each block …. your pick.
* Rotary
* foundation
* club
* youth
* shelter box
* fun
* flood
* to tell you the truth (or "the truth is")
* disaster relief
* active
* benchmark
* win-win
* think outside the box
* result
* empower (or empowerment)
* knowledge
* focus
* game plan

3. Check off the appropriate block when you hear one of those words/phrases.

4. When you get three blocks horizontally, vertically, or diagonally stand up and shout "BULLSHIT!"

TESTIMONIALS: from satisfied "BS Bingo" players:

• "I had been in the meeting for only five minutes when I won.."
Adam W., Atlanta
• "My attention span at meetings has improved dramatically." -
David T., Orlando
• "What a gas! Meetings will never be the same for me after my first win."- Dan J., New York City
• "The atmosphere was tense in the last process meeting as 14 of us waited for the fifth box." - Ben G., Denver
* "The speaker was stunned as eight of us screamed BS!' for the third time in two hours. The BS Bingo Championship will be played at the next meeting." - Rod H.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Meeting of August 17, 2010

Danielle introduced her guest, Prof Warren Summerville though not much introduction was necessary as we all know of him.

Bob P introduced his guest, Mark. Mark contacted Bob with an interest in Rotary. Mark is a station officer with the NSW Fire Brigade.

We took apologies from Peter F (who was supposed to visiting us from the RC Beaumaris) Anthony J, Nev D, Adam S, David W, Chris B, and David N.

We got an update from Bob P regarding the Shelter Boxes. According to DG Neil, the shelter box program is now up and running again as a project of the Australian arm of Rotary rather than the UK. The issue has recently been forced due to the recent needs in Pakistan. We will send $1000 for the purchase of a shelter box.

Our banner had been purchased and is in our possession. It looks great, particularly with Prof Summerville in front of it with a PHF! Well done to Danielle for its design and to Pres Pete for finally getting this done… I know we’ve been talking about getting one of these things on and off for years (a banner that is, not Warren Summerville obviously).

Pres Pete let us know that the Duck Race is set and ready to go. All we need to do now is get the ducks out to be sold.

Steve E told us that the PCYC Breakfast Club will be back up and running soon. It caters for 30-35 kids on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. These are typically the only days these kids actually make it to school. He’ll be looking for good role models for these kids to sit and have a chat with over some brekkie.

Eric D (sorry to refer to myself in the third person) attended the meeting for the Edgell Jog. This year’s event will be held on September 12. The big change this year is that each runner will have an electronic timing chip laced into their shoe. Runners will get a $50 fee in the mail if they leave with their chip so it will be our job to ensure they do not leave the finish area with their chip. This is obviously different from last year where we’d sit behind a desk to record times and it is the responsibility of the runner to come to us. This year, we’ll have to catch them! Here’s the plan to do it:

The finish gate will be only 5 meters across but will open into a Y about 15 metres wide… like a corral area. Chairs will be set up on the sides with a Rotarian at each chair; there will be a few Rotarians in the middle to marshal runners over to the chairs as they cross the finish line. Rotarians on the chairs will untie the runner’s shoe, take the chip and tie the shoe again. Runners will still need to drop their bib in the barrel to be in for the prizes draw so we should also remind them to do this.

This is obviously going to be a huge operation. Last year there were over 1200 runners. Helping in this exercise will be the three Rotary clubs, Quota, and Little Athletics. As a club, we’ll need AT LEAST 10 PEOPLE. We’ll meet at 10:20 (at the absolute very latest) outside the courthouse. Pres Pete: can you please start collecting names since I’ll be an apology at the August 24 meeting.

Pres Pete then presented Prof Summerville with the Paul Harris Fellow pin and certificate. Professor Summerville is a 40 year veteran of Rotary himself so was well aware of the significance of the award. Prof Summerville began collecting fossils and minerals at the age of 7 years old digging through piles of excavated earth at mining sites. “The disease got worse as time went on” to study geology at university. It was during this time that he was on the Canowindra Fish Fossil Find in which they found 3500 fish fossils in a single day of digging. The era of these fishes became known as “The Age of Fishes” and was of a richness similar to that of a find in Eastern Canada.

Warren is known as an “Expert Visitor” at 35 museums around the world, including ones in Russia, China, North America, and Europe. When he introduces himself as an Expert Visitor at the museum, museum curators will usually drop whatever they are doing to “talk shop”. It’s a huge honour to be named as an Expert Visitor at any museum, let alone 35 of them around the world.

Prof Summerville’s collection accumulated and he had it on show at an orchard in Orange. When he sold the orchard he was going to sell his collection too. He’d received an offer of $15 mil from China. However, he negotiated with the Vice-Chancellor of CSU to go on permanent display in Bathurst. The Australian Museum wanted and inland campus to form “The Australian Fossil Trail” from Sydney to Bathurst to Canowindra to Lightening Ridge.

To “pay” Prof Summerville for his collection CSU gave him his professorship. The agreement was they it was to be co-funded by the Bathurst City Council and the Australian Museum. CSU paid it for a few years and then asked other parties to kick in. This degraded into a sad story in which nobody is willing to honour the original agreement and Prof Summerville lives as a pensioner. He can’t even access his own collection which is now, technically, not his anymore.

I think we were all horrified at how, what started out as a wonderful story, turned into an absolute nightmare. I think we were all willing to help Prof Summerville in whatever way we can. This sounds like a horrible legal mess, but we should all put our heads together and see if we can come up with anything we can do to help.

I was proud to move the vote of thanks to Prof Summerville, noting that it was a significant matching between he and Paul Harris, both having wonderful vision that established a lasting legacy.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Tuesday 10 August 2010

Tuesday 10 August

Guests: Hayden Schembri (Adam's son), James Hundy (Macquarie Tutorial Centre), Ruth Aubin (Jack's lovely wife), Laura Arrow (Young Citizen of the Month for August) with her parents Ann & Kevin Arrow.

Apologies: Steve Ellery, David Nicolls (OS), Eric Drinkwater, Peter Francis (extended leave) & Jack Aubin (sick, but on the mend)

Heads & Tails: Bob Pardy, which was kindly donated to our guest Ann Arrow who smartly chose the bottle of white.

Reminders & Upcoming Events

David Weekes informed us about a Membership Seminar which will be held on 28th August in Young. Thanks Adam and Anthony for putting your hands up with interest. If you could let either Ros Ceddia (crceddia@bigpond.com.au) or PDG John Egan (johnandmariaegan@gmail.com) know if you are going to attend asap. They would appreciate a reply by Friday 13th August (this date has already passed!), but I'm sure there are still places if anyone is keen.

Bob Pardy again reminded everyone that subs are due asap, although he did own up to not having paid his own!

Anthony read out some correspondence from the Rotary Club of South Wagga Wagga. They are celebrating 50 years on 18th-19th September. See Anthony for more details if anyone would like to attend.

RI have approved the Club Builder Award. This new award honors those Rotarians who have made a significant impact in supporting and strengthening their Rotary Clubs, and fits in well with the goals of the Rotary Coordinators to help create Bigger, Better, Bolder clubs. District Governors may nominate one candidate from their districts each year. To be eligible a Rotarian must have be active and in good standing, with at least 10 years of membership, they must have served as a club president, and have been a member of a Rotary club with at least 30 members in the 3 years immediately preceding nomination.The specific criteria for the award are as follows:
Personally recruited at least five members who are active Rotarians at the time of nomination
Participated in Rotary training in their club
Participated in at least one meaningful club-level vocational service project
Attended at least two district meetings in the three years immediately preceding nomination
Fellows, if this sounds like you, then please notify Pres. Pete.

Again it is obviously the wrong time of the year for Birthdays, Anniversaries etc …. as we don’t have any. There was a debacle with some incorrect information on this subject so I have now emailed out for new correct information. Day and month being compulsory fellows. There is no need to blame anyone, we just need to correct it before the sergeant cleans up again!

Bathurst Regional Council are investigating the matter raised in relation to the erection of a new service clubs sign. They will in due course make contact to discuss this matter further. As a community service project the Rotary Clubs would like to be involved in the preparation of the design, and possibly even the construction of the signs at each entrance to the city.

There is a good number of excellent candidates who will be interviewed this Sunday (15th) for the GSE teams to the Philippines (Feb 2011) and Oklahoma (Mar 2011). Final selection will be at Young on 28/29 August.
DG Neal Fogary to attend our club meeting August 30.

Eric D will represent the club for information on the upcoming Edgell jog this coming Wednesday. The Edgell Jog is again on Sunday, September 12.
Next it was time to present our Jack Aubin Young Citizen of the Year, Laura Arrow with her award. Rob Barlow read out some of Laura's achievements which are very commendable and highlight as to why she was chosen to fulfill this role. Laura is an enthusiastic person in all aspects of her life who volunteers her time freely for many things including Legacy and Red Sheild, College Yearbook Video Committee and the combined college service group addressing social issues. She attends MacKillop College and is a Welcoming Prefect, along with a peer support leader and also uses her hospitality skills for community projects.

Bob Pardy then gave us an update on the Shelter Box program, it is up and running again. He also investigated the Disaster Aid website which didn't give much information about this project. Might be best to chat with the DG when he vists to gather some more information on both of these projects, and then as a club decide which is the best way to go.

Raffle time: the lucky winner was one of our guests, James Hundy from the Macquarie Tutorial Centre with ticket number 61. Anthony did try and claim the prize as he was handed both tickets and kindly gave 61 to James, good try Anthony!

Congratulations to Danielle B. who became a ‘friend’ through our contribution to Rotary Health. All our club members are friends of the fund. Danielle was given her certificate and badge.

The group then had a quick discussion about the new mobile speed camera's which are popping up all over the place. So just a warning to be careful, they are mostly all Ford Territory's and as of the 19th August the warning period will be over, so watch your speedo.

Now for the guest speaker, none other than our very own gliding extrodinare, Mr Chris Bennett. Chris explained that he would probably take a bit longer than usual as he had a video to show the group called "Windborn". It is the story of a family of 4 generations of gliders, and focusses on the father teaching his daughter to glide and take her first solo flight. Chris told us about "attitude" when gliding and to watch out for the two types in this movie; the angle of the glider to the horizon (technical term) and the attitude of the daughter towards the father as he is trying to teach her (I can definately understand this, it was very similar when I was learning to drive!).

My eyes, along with nearly everyone else's were glued to the screen for the entire 45 minutes of this documentary. It was fascinating to see how these planes with no engines "glide" through the air relying on bubbles of hot air in the atmosphere called 'Thermals" to stay up. Basically the gliders ride the pockets of air like waves in the ocean.

After only a very short period learning how to fly a glider, the daughter attempted her first solo flight and did a great job. She started off very nervoulsy, but glided through the air with ease and made her landing very easy, bouncing along the ground finishing up not far from her father.

The next part of this movie was about the father and daughter teaming up with her uncle, a world famous glider to tackle the never before attempted Milford Sound. Quite amazing actually, and nail biting stuff at the end when the father & daughter had to land on the beach, just making it to the sand!

This movie was a great insight into the world of gliding, and now we can understand the passion Chris has for his hobbie. After first learning to glide 30 years ago, he has passed on his skill to both his children. His son is now an aircraft mechanic working on helicopters, taking the hobby and turning it into a career.

Chris kindly offered everyone to head out to the airfield and experience the rush that is gliding.

I for one am still sceptical about being in a plane up very high with no engine, but would be willing to take the plunge I think.

Thank you so much Chris, from what I could tell everyone enjoyed this talk and opened our minds to the world and thrill that is gliding.

Next Week: Professor Warren Somerville will be at our meeting to accept his Paul Harris Fellowship and also have a chat to the club. He is always an interesting man to listen to, so please bring someone along with you to "partners" night.
Did you know?????
Here are some real uncanny resemblences:
In 2006 Bathurst had a population of 12,714.
- Bathurst is a Canadian city in Gloucester County, New Brunswick.
- Settled: 1600’s
- Town Status: 1912
- City Status: 1966
- Dwellings: 6,158
- The community was named by the Governor, Sir Howard Douglas (1823-1831), in honor of Henry Bathurst, 3rd Earl Bathurst (1762-1834), Secretary of State for the Colonies of the British government.
- English and French is spoken throughout the city.
- is situated on Bathurst Harbour, an estuary at the mouth of the Nepisiguit River at the southernmost part of Chaleur Bay.
- It is the site of Canadas first electric street light.
- Bathurst International Airport is just outside of Bathurst, about 3 KM north of the city.
- Paul Joseph James Martin also known as Paul Martin, Sr., noted lawyer, politician and father of former Prime Minister Paul Martin was raised in Bathurst.
- Bathurst has many murals depicting local history and culture located around the city.
- Located just 20 minutes from Bathurst, the Recreational and Tourist Center at Atlas Park is located on the edge of an old quarry thirty meters deep with a surface of 26,000 square meters filled with cool, clear water offering a great number of activities. During the summer, Atlas Park offers the following activities: scuba diving, fishing, rowboats, paddle boat tours, walking paths, an amusement park for children, barbecues, and picnic grounds.
- New Brunswick has a mining & mineral interpretation centre.
- Farmers market on Saturday mornings.
- The city is home to the annual Old Time Fiddling and Step Dancing Festival that happens Labour Day weekend at Riverside Park. There are often up to 1400 RVs parked there for the week preceding the event. Award-winning fiddler/step dancer April Verch is a Bathurst native.
- The opening of the Intercolonial Railway of Canada in 1876 provided a fast connection from the port of Bathurst to the rest of North America which was essential for developing the region's principal industries in forestry and zinc mining.
- Highest elevation: 62metre or 203 ft
- Lowest elevation: 0 – sea level
- At present the temp range is 15 to a top of 24 with 72 % humidity.

For the record; Pres. Pete has been in contact with the Rotary Club of Bathurst – Canada.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Report from Meeting of August 3, 2010

Last week’s meeting (August 3)

Apologies received from:
David N …. (Europe)
Jack A …. Sick bed, though we’ve received an update that Jack is in good spirits and will re-join us when it’s a bit warmer.

We welcomed back the holiday makers:
Nev D …. (Burleigh, Qld.);
Sally B …. (Moruya, South Coast);
Karl M …. (Maroochydore,Qld.);

The evening was abuzz with the roll-up to the new CWCC inspection. We had a contingent present and accounted for. There was only one problem… apparently nobody had told the CWCC! There was no finger food, no chaperone, and no key. All we had was a bunch of eagerly awaiting Rotarians shouting out “let me in”. Had anybody been told that the inspection had been postponed? PP Adam certainly paid for the little indiscretion. Well thank goodness that we were within a short walk of the RSL…we needed the exercise anyhow.

In the singing of Rotary Grace, we have found another singer in Anthony J (that is now 2) who joins Rob B in the ask-them-only list.

Frank S won the H&T while later in the night the door prize was won by Anthony J (only took him 3 years).

Anthony J let us know that we’ve received a thankyou from the PCYC for our $250 donation.

Anthony J gave us an update on the Macquarie Tutorial Centre. The money we donated has been spent: 50% going on their new woodworking set-up and the other 50% purchasing camping equipment. The lads could not wait to christen the new tents so their fearless leader gave in and took them. The moral to the story is that it is highly recommended that one should not go camping without firstly checking on the weather forecast. Wind, rain, winter and fist-fights are not a good mix. Their “emergency” car got bogged in the mud for an hour-and-a-half. All I could say about this situation is that is why Anthony J is still at school – he is a slow learner (hahaha). Anthony again asked for volunteers to drop in to help with his woodwork programme.

We have now got a new friend in Sally B. The club pays Rotary Health for the privilege of all members being a friend; no need to phone or ask; Sally – welcome. Photos were taken but were of such low quality that they could not be published... well, okay, here's the better of the two taken so we can (again) fine Adam S as the photographer.

Bob P let us know that the $1200 cheque we sent to Shelter Box Australia has been returned. Apparetly, about 4 months ago, SBA terminated their affiliation with Shelter Box UK and are now referred to as Disastar Relief Australia. We’ll ask the DG during his visit if we should simply re-donate to Disaster Relief Australia.

Steve E has been contacted by Nicole Cullen, a Para-Olympic equestrian. She needs to raise $20,000 for her next competition in Kentucky, USA but can’t raise anything without the appropriate license. Nevil Barlow has previously given her a lot of assistance in fund raising in cooperation with our club but the club has never directly supported her. We have a general rule to avoid supporting individuals, no matter how needy or how good the cause, as it sets a dangerous precedent. We’ve decided to forward it on to the board for discussion.

Adam S let us know that no progress has really been made on the house in the past week as he’s waiting for prices from builders.

“the best recycler ever” were the words voiced by Steve E when our treasurer Bob P reached into the club coffers to pay a fine. I know that at times we all run a bit short but to “borrow” club money that had just been placed in front of him some 20 seconds earlier is going to the extreme. I guess one just had to be there to appreciate the magnitude of such an occasion.

Eric D will be the club representative for the Edgell jog meeting come August 18th. Edgell Jog is again on Sunday, September 12. Your help will be appreciated.

Rob B. has the programme list under control (see below) and it is filling fast. Fellows, if we could keep it at the month in advance then we would be doing really great!

Speaking of the upcoming program, Greg S has raised the idea of his son (a.k.a. Tom Cruise) to host a cocktail party. There was some discussion if we’d open it up to the public and make it a fund raiser or if we’d just have it as a partners social night. The liquor licensing would probably get complicated if it was a public event so we might just keep it as a members-only event with full frocks and suits.

A big thanks from me (Eric) to Pres Pete for his ongoing contributions to the blog.

This week (August 10)
There is going to be a lesson in Flying / Gliding from our fellow member Chris B. Chris will also have a short video to be watched and has advised us that the presentation will run overtime. I just hope that no-one is scared of heights.

Unfortunately, the blog editor Eric D will be an apology (I’ll do an online make-up, I promise). Next week’s blog will be a combination effort between Danielle and Pete.

In the coming weeks:

August (Stand in Sergeant, Steve E)
August 10 - Chris B - Flying / Gliding Basics
August 17 - Danielle B - Warren Summerville to accept the PHF
August 24 - Bob P - Wires – Kerry Pearce
August 31 - DG Neal Fogary to attend our club meeting

September (Stand in Sergeant, Peter F)
September 7 – Rob B - Rick Foster - BRC
September 12 – Edgell Jog
September 14 – Adam / Karl - Wine tasting night
September 21 - Arthur C
September 28 - Nev D

October (Stand in Sergeant, Anthony J)
October 5 - Eric D
October 12 - Steve E
October 19 - Peter F
October 26 - Anthony J

November (Stand in Sergeant, David N)
November 2 - Alan B
November 6 - Chris B - Carrington House Dinner
November 9 - Danielle B
November 16 - Frank S
November 23 – Greg S - Reliance merger – John May
November 30 - ???

December (Stand in Sergeant, Bob P)
December 7 - David N – Dec 7
December 14 - Sally B – Dec 14
December 21 - Danielle B - Christmas get together

Joke: For all of you who are seniors - for all of you who know seniors - and for all of you who will be seniors.

The Sunday Paper
"WHERE is my SUNDAY paper?" The irate customer calling the newspaper office loudly demanded, wanting to know where her Sunday edition was.

"Madam", said the newspaper employee, "today is Saturday.
The Sunday paper is not delivered until tomorrow, on Sunday".

There was quite a long pause on the other end of the one, followed by a ray of recognition as she was heard to mutter, "By golly gosh, that's why no one was at church today"

Received mail:
The District 2030 is sponsoring a new interesting initiative, aimed to help young people, musically gifted and longing to follow the art of singing and to celebrate at the same time the memory of the great Italian tenor Luciano Pavarotti, unfortunately dead on September 6th 2007.

The competition, according to the personal wishes of Luciano Pavarotti, is open to all young singers with the age between 18 and 28 years in the course of 2010; it will be held from the 16th to the 18th of December 2010, being the Final Round and the Prizes distribution broadcasted in a video--‐conference.

The announcement of the Competition has been sent already to all musical Institutions worldwide, but I think that a direct involvement of all the Districts of Rotary International around the world will help not only to reach young singers, who perhaps have no link with the official Institution of their country, but also to show the world a Rotarian program, of which we can only be proud, as it offers another positive example of the attention of our Association to the needs of the young generations.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Meeting for August 3, 2010

Karl M …. (Maroochydore,Qld.);
Nev D …. (Burleigh, Qld.);
Sally B …. (Moruya, South Coast);
Anthony J …. (Orange)
Steve E …. (baby sitting duties)
Jack A …. Sick bed

Maree Richards (Pres. Bathurst East).

Dates of note…
Karl M has a birthday on August 4
Bob P has a birthday on August 10
David W’s wife Kathy has a birthday on August 10

Meeting of August 27th, 2010
First up, a note from the treasurer: annual fees are due to Bob P as soon as you can. We voted at the fastest board meeting ever that fees remain the same so it’ll be $250 for the year or $125 for the six months. The next board meeting is August 23 (though Pete spelled it "Bored meeting" in an email to me... not sure if by accident).

Heads and tails was won by Alan B (again, though only after some controversial coin flipping by Adam S) while the lucky door prize won by Frank S.

It was great to see Arthur C at the meeting. He usually arrives & wins the prizes – but not this time! I have to say that Arthur is another that we will not ask to sing; not for his singing effort but for his ‘please forgive me but I forgot the words’. Great to see the honesty here as he is not the first & certainly will not be the last in this situation. Speaking of singing, our singing is a bit off so maybe it could be a good opportunity for someone (those that complain the most) to organise a guest speaker for some singing lessons. (Blog editor nore: ...Or perhaps Pres Pete should just heed the advice of the members and only ask Rob B to sing…)

There’s still a “save the date” from Chris B for November 6 for our upcoming ‘high-class’ dinner.

Another ‘save the date’ is for the Edgell Jog on Sunday, September 12.

Rob B has a draft program that I should hopefully be posting in the blog next week.

Adam S has told us that we’ll be touring the community collage THIS WEEK so do not go to the RSL for the meeting. Light finger food will be available.

David N will be booking Warren Summerville to come to the meeting on August 17th to accept the Paul Harris Fellow. Note that this will be an evening for partners to come. It’s important that we make a good showing for this night so please make a special effort to attend.

We also need a FULL turn-out for the DG’s visit on August 31st though I think Alan B is planning to have the flu that week.

Adam S. gave us an update on the house for auction with further investigation required. Alan B has made a huge offer for a parcel of land at Trinity Heights & we thank him accordingly. The banks are still the biggest hurdle & again I sensed a vibe of excitement. There was a lot of information being thrown about by Adam S and Chris B about things I (Eric) have no idea about but if you’re interested in how the land has a 1.5m drop, "land equity" and "security" then contact Adam or Chris. An email came from Pres Pete on Friday arvo: "Had a phone call from PDG Irene Jones last Wednesday – it does not take long - to enquire about the house project. The story has it that she received a call from RI in Parramatta from a potential neighbour that a “Rotary House” was being built next door and there was concern that this may have been for a refuge or similar. I assured Irene that was not the case and no decision had yet been made on the matter. Irene was quite “chuffed” with the idea and advancement. Well done to Adam S. and Chris B."

Congratulations to Danielle B. for winning the “pull up banner” design. I really think it was unanimous decision without upsetting the other 2 entries put forward.

We had a “3-minute update” from Greg S. Congratulations to young Evan, son of Greg & Sharon whom represented first Victoria, & now Australia in the prestigious “Copper Cup” sponsored by Smirnoff. There are 10 in the team with Evan chosen as 2nd picked & will be travelling to Holland for the world titles. We wish him well & no doubt Greg S will keep us updated.

Communication has started with the Bathurst Regional Council in relation to the erection of a new service clubs sign. This is in discussion now with the three Rotary Clubs acting as one. The combined Rotary Clubs of Bathurst would like to encourage BRC to formulate a design for appropriate and consistent signage to be placed at each entrance to the city as part of any entrance structure, and the Clubs would like to be involved in the preparation of the design, and possibly even the construction of the signs and/or the entrance, as a community service project.

I (Pres Pete) was saddened to receive mail of the passing of PDG John Clough. John had 50 years of Rotary service and a few of our elder members would certainly have known him.

Applications for the GSE teams are nearing a close fellows. 2 teams are leaving our district next year; one to the USA & the other to the Philippines. If you do know of anyone that may be interested then please notify.

RYDA is also looking for a coordinator this year. Since the three to four weeks lead up in November requires pretty much a full time commitment, anybody interested should be retired.

An Australian Rotary Health Friends and supporters dinner will be held in Acton; ACT on August 14th. Pres Pete has the forms for those interested.

I (blog editor Eric) admit to losing the thread in the discussion of the prizes in the Duck Race so the information below came from Pres Pete (though I’ve improved the spelling and grammar):

The expansion of the duck race has certainly raised interest. Yes, it will be going ahead in the new format. After an open discussion the club decided that the ducks entry fee will be a flat $ 10 across the board for all categories. Prizes will be made of cash or gift vouchers.
The P & C associations will retain 50% of the monies for their schools.
1st Prize will be $ 300.—
2nd Prize will be $ 200.—
3rd Prize will be $ 100.—

The Chamber of Commerce will retain 50% of the monies for their organisation.
1st Prize will be $ 300.—
2nd Prize will be $ 200.—
3rd Prize will be $ 100.—

Thanks to David W for stepping up to the plate. Our guest speaker notified Danielle that it was a no show earlier in the day; but the ever alert David bought along the ducks for the great race. “Tubs o’ Ducks” involved confirming the numbering of some 400 rubber ducks. Thanks ro Rob B and Chris B for sticking the weights back on to a few of the ducks too. It was a great, fun night for fellowship with Rotary being the winner.