David N had a birthday on Sept 10
Anthony J’s wife had a birthday on Sept 25
Karl’s wife Eva had a birthday on Sept 12
Bob and Jenny celebrate a wedding anniversary on Sept 30
Visiting Rotarians, Guests and Apologies
It turns out that in last week’s blog I was wrong! Arthur C did indeed bring a guest. Our club welcomed Duncan McDonald, a life member of our club.
We accepted apologies from Danielle and Karl.
Meeting Minutes
Tim S won H&T while Adam won the door prize draw (which he donated to Duncan).
The club treasurer will become less gentle in his reminders for subs. I believe Bob will be employing the assistance of Nev to start breaking knee caps.
Arthur handed around flyers for a BBQ to raise awareness of prostate cancer. It was held on Sept 25 at Machattie Park. Hopefully we’ll get a report from Arthur about how it went.
Speaking of prostate cancer, Pres Pete reported that his PSA’s are below 0.01.
Rob B reported that the ongoing saga of the shade houses should be coming to an end. While they are more complicated to put up than they appear, he’s hoping for a mid-October completion date.
While Rob had the floor, there was discussion around meeting activity dates. I think we decided on an October 26 AGM. Can somebody correct me if that’s wrong?
Chris B informed us that we are “past the point of no return” on our gala dinner as our first bills have been paid.
Tim S gave us a 3-minute update on his travels to Singapore specifically visiting WWII sites.
Arthur then introduced Duncan. Duncan read to us from his memoirs, starting with his being born in India in 1915. There were some amazing stories that Duncan had, but being such a humble man, he glossed over some remarkable events as though he believed they couldn’t possibly be of interest to anybody. I looked at Rob B sitting next to me wondering if I’d heard right that Duncan was on guard for King George’s Jubilee! Note that Duncan simply made such passing reference to this that Rob looked over at me in equal puzzlement to confirm whether he’d heard it right too.
This all happened when he was attending University of Windsor in London while working as a postal clerk and was a military reservist at the age of 18.
Duncan also spoke of his days as an able-seaman during WWII on ships specialising in anti-submarine and anti-aircraft. Unfortunately his stories were so interesting that I forgot to keep notes. If you attended the meeting, you’ll know what I mean. If you missed the meeting, you missed an absolute CRACKER of a guest! There was one story about capturing information about how to disguise your ship to look like the enemy, so when enemy recon aircraft flew over they wouldn’t call in an attack… information that surely saved many ships and many lives.
Duncan also highlighted his love of cinema. He told of seeing his first movie at 7 years old, and then in 1988 he finally made his own documentary. He re-married in (I think) 1990 and has made another travel of the world.
I’m sure I missed a lot of detail but Duncan was such a great guest that he really had to be heard to be believed.
Program for September 28
Nev D is bringing his granddaughter Alicia, a psychologist at the Bathurst Hospital will be talking about anxiety, depression and the importance of self-efficacy in children.
Also note that there will be a Board meeting after this evening’s meeting.
Program for October 5
I’ll be in charge of a tour of the new CWCC facilities. Note that this will probably include more than the last time we all appeared there!
In the coming weeks
October 12 - Steve E
October 19 - Peter F
October 26 - Anthony J
November (Stand in Sergeant, David N)
November 2 - Alan B
November 6 - Chris B - Carrington House Dinner
November 9 - Danielle B
November 16 - Frank S
November 23 – Greg S - Reliance merger – John May
November 30 - ???
December (Stand in Sergeant, Bob P)
December 7 - David N – Dec 7
December 14 - Sally B – Dec 14
December 21 - Danielle B - Christmas get together