Friday, July 16, 2010

Meeting Tuesday 13 July

Tuesday 13 July 2010

Apologies: Sally B; Neville D; Danielle B; Karl M; Jack A; Eric D........maybe we should have a present column instead!

Visitors: Graham Hanley from the beautiful Myall Lakes - Tea Gardens Club; Bob Newton from the Dubbo West Club

From the collar.....

Hey, there is only 50 weeks to go....... till the end of the financial year!

There was a presentation made by Adam S. (from last years funds) to Anthony J. representing the Macquarie Tutorial Centre. Anthony was surprised & more grateful for the generosity & support that has been shown & given. He spoke of camping equipment that the centre was on the agenda - to knock some discipline into these so called "baddies". Great work Anthony. Furthermore, Anthony added that the centre is setting up in their shed a woodworking area & will be after fellows to guide the youngsters in a hands-on approach. If anyone can help that would be fantastic.

I received a phone call at 5.58pm to advise that we had been let down by a guest speaker. Never fear - life goes on. What an extroadinary meeting fellows. The depth of knowledge that came out from within the club was quite amazing.

From yes, lets have a debate, to visitor Graham discussing the pros and cons of website designs and addresses, to Anthony J. advising us the real reason one should not take a drive just to have a look at Emirates site. Did he really think that he would get past a 6 star motel gatehouse, complete with security guard. C'mon AJ, you can do better than that. Rob B. still believes that Emirates is worth every cent for the experience - even though he won't be rushing back at $2K/night.

Chris B gave us a 3 minute update on his recent Perth trip where he visited Simone, a gorgeous German blonde (his own words) that he met here in Bathurst through the gliding club. Chris had been invited to her graduation from the RAAF where she was presented with her wings. A great achievement for her & a great opportunity for Chris. He spoke about the disciplined teamwork that was evident and on display.

We learnt how Bob's son, Andrew Pardey went through the RAAF training in Tamworth, but failed at the aerobatics stage. That is no mean feat in itself. Bob, he is not the first to fail and certainly not the is a hugh effort in itself and you are rightly proud of that. We also learnt that flying is a supply & demand job - although the RAAF trains & graduates classes, there is no guarantee of future employment.

Let us not forget the banner competition & your thoughts on the duck race.

This is so strange....
Did you know that the word "race car", spelt backwards spells "race car"

Did you know that "eat" is the only word that if you take the first letter and move it to the last, it spells its past tense "ate"??

Heads & Tails won by Tim S.
Lucky Door won by visitor Bob Newton (drew his own ticket!)

Both Jack A & Arthur C deserve a phone call if you get an opportunity fellows.

Birthday book indicates that Sharon Stanley has another year to add.

Next Week:
Guest Speaker: Rob B. has arranged Judy Burge from the Business & Professional Women (BPW) Bathurst Branch to come along a speak to the club.
3 minute: Danielle B
We welcome Eric Mayhew as the Youth of the Month recipient.

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