Karl M …. (Maroochydore,Qld.);
Nev D …. (Burleigh, Qld.);
Sally B …. (Moruya, South Coast);
Anthony J …. (Orange)
Steve E …. (baby sitting duties)
Jack A …. Sick bed
Maree Richards (Pres. Bathurst East).
Dates of note…
Karl M has a birthday on August 4
Bob P has a birthday on August 10
David W’s wife Kathy has a birthday on August 10
Meeting of August 27th, 2010
First up, a note from the treasurer: annual fees are due to Bob P as soon as you can. We voted at the fastest board meeting ever that fees remain the same so it’ll be $250 for the year or $125 for the six months. The next board meeting is August 23 (though Pete spelled it "Bored meeting" in an email to me... not sure if by accident).
Heads and tails was won by Alan B (again, though only after some controversial coin flipping by Adam S) while the lucky door prize won by Frank S.
It was great to see Arthur C at the meeting. He usually arrives & wins the prizes – but not this time! I have to say that Arthur is another that we will not ask to sing; not for his singing effort but for his ‘please forgive me but I forgot the words’. Great to see the honesty here as he is not the first & certainly will not be the last in this situation. Speaking of singing, our singing is a bit off so maybe it could be a good opportunity for someone (those that complain the most) to organise a guest speaker for some singing lessons. (Blog editor nore: ...Or perhaps Pres Pete should just heed the advice of the members and only ask Rob B to sing…)
There’s still a “save the date” from Chris B for November 6 for our upcoming ‘high-class’ dinner.
Another ‘save the date’ is for the Edgell Jog on Sunday, September 12.
Rob B has a draft program that I should hopefully be posting in the blog next week.
Adam S has told us that we’ll be touring the community collage THIS WEEK so do not go to the RSL for the meeting. Light finger food will be available.
David N will be booking Warren Summerville to come to the meeting on August 17th to accept the Paul Harris Fellow. Note that this will be an evening for partners to come. It’s important that we make a good showing for this night so please make a special effort to attend.
We also need a FULL turn-out for the DG’s visit on August 31st though I think Alan B is planning to have the flu that week.
Adam S. gave us an update on the house for auction with further investigation required. Alan B has made a huge offer for a parcel of land at Trinity Heights & we thank him accordingly. The banks are still the biggest hurdle & again I sensed a vibe of excitement. There was a lot of information being thrown about by Adam S and Chris B about things I (Eric) have no idea about but if you’re interested in how the land has a 1.5m drop, "land equity" and "security" then contact Adam or Chris. An email came from Pres Pete on Friday arvo: "Had a phone call from PDG Irene Jones last Wednesday – it does not take long - to enquire about the house project. The story has it that she received a call from RI in Parramatta from a potential neighbour that a “Rotary House” was being built next door and there was concern that this may have been for a refuge or similar. I assured Irene that was not the case and no decision had yet been made on the matter. Irene was quite “chuffed” with the idea and advancement. Well done to Adam S. and Chris B."

Congratulations to Danielle B. for winning the “pull up banner” design. I really think it was unanimous decision without upsetting the other 2 entries put forward.
We had a “3-minute update” from Greg S. Congratulations to young Evan, son of Greg & Sharon whom represented first Victoria, & now Australia in the prestigious “Copper Cup” sponsored by Smirnoff. There are 10 in the team with Evan chosen as 2nd picked & will be travelling to Holland for the world titles. We wish him well & no doubt Greg S will keep us updated.
Communication has started with the Bathurst Regional Council in relation to the erection of a new service clubs sign. This is in discussion now with the three Rotary Clubs acting as one. The combined Rotary Clubs of Bathurst would like to encourage BRC to formulate a design for appropriate and consistent signage to be placed at each entrance to the city as part of any entrance structure, and the Clubs would like to be involved in the preparation of the design, and possibly even the construction of the signs and/or the entrance, as a community service project.
I (Pres Pete) was saddened to receive mail of the passing of PDG John Clough. John had 50 years of Rotary service and a few of our elder members would certainly have known him.
Applications for the GSE teams are nearing a close fellows. 2 teams are leaving our district next year; one to the USA & the other to the Philippines. If you do know of anyone that may be interested then please notify.
RYDA is also looking for a coordinator this year. Since the three to four weeks lead up in November requires pretty much a full time commitment, anybody interested should be retired.
An Australian Rotary Health Friends and supporters dinner will be held in Acton; ACT on August 14th. Pres Pete has the forms for those interested.
I (blog editor Eric) admit to losing the thread in the discussion of the prizes in the Duck Race so the information below came from Pres Pete (though I’ve improved the spelling and grammar):
The expansion of the duck race has certainly raised interest. Yes, it will be going ahead in the new format. After an open discussion the club decided that the ducks entry fee will be a flat $ 10 across the board for all categories. Prizes will be made of cash or gift vouchers.
The P & C associations will retain 50% of the monies for their schools.
1st Prize will be $ 300.—
2nd Prize will be $ 200.—
3rd Prize will be $ 100.—
The Chamber of Commerce will retain 50% of the monies for their organisation.
1st Prize will be $ 300.—
2nd Prize will be $ 200.—
3rd Prize will be $ 100.—