At this point, it’s still not too late to volunteer for Sunday morning’s B2B. Please ring David W if your Sunday morning has cleared up.
April dates of note…
Adam’s wife Liz had a birthday on the 1st
Alan B had a birthday on the 8th
Steve E has a birthday on 15th
Karl and Eva have a wedding anniversary on the 23rd
Nev and Jo have a wedding anniversary on the 24th
Last week’s meeting (April 6, 2010)…
Opening the meeting with Rotary Grace was Nev D… let’s just say that we’ll add Nev to the “don’t ask to sing” list right next to Pete C. It was truly horrific!
We had apologies from Pres Adam, Rob B, Tim S, David W, Anthony J, and Peter F. I’ll encourage you all to get on-line to do a make-up meeting. If you ever look at the on-line DG reports you’ll see that our club regularly has one of the top few spots in the attendance records. Let’s all do our best to keep our club there!
Next up, Sally introduced her guest for the evening… Tony Perry. He’s the GM of Central Tablelands Water.
There wasn’t much to report this week as the Art Union committee is meeting fortnightly and this was one of their off weeks. Nev D did report that we’ve made $1230 from cake/pudding sales (much thanks to me I think). Also, FYI, Frank S took home the H&T honours even though he wasn’t in the room as Karl was playing for him.
Since Andrew C was AWOL (I think he was avoiding the meeting because we were going to fine him $1 per kilo he’s lost), Peter C stepped in as sergeant for the evening. As usual, Pete laid a beating on us all, extracting several dollars even from Jack!
Next, Sally introduced our guest speaker for the evening, Tony Perry from Central Tablelands Water (formally known as Central Tablelands County Council).
I found it really interesting to learn that some water supply areas around the state are councils on to themselves just like any other city council. Where a city council (“General Purpose Council”) has a lot of daily matters to manage, a county council only has one order of business: water. This is done because many water supplies supply water to several different areas and span several local boundaries. Cities with their own water supply (such as Bathurst and the Chifley Dam) manage their own water. In the case of Central Tablelands Water, it’s Lake Rowlands. Tony regaled a series of town names that are serviced by Lake Rowlands that I simply lost track of, but he had an interesting stat that of the 145 water boundries in NSW four of the county councils service 1.8 million people in NSW.
I’ll admit that local politics is not my thing so many of you may have known the bit about the different kinds of councils already but I was really excited to learn something new. The down side of not being into local politics is that the rest of Tony's presentation on a water enquiry went well over my head. I can recount Bob’s recent presentation on nuclear fission word-for-word, but get totally lost in water management… sorry to all and I’ll happily pay a fine for this next week.
This week’s meeting (April 13th, 2010)
Alan B is organising John Pearson as our guest speaker. We’ll be hearing something to do with overseas students from Japan.
In the coming weeks...
Please note that since David S is no longer a member, we’ll be short a guest speaker for April 27 (a fortnight away!) so if anybody has any ideas for the evening's entertainment, please let me know so I can update the table below.
- April 10 & 11 - B2B
- April 20 – Guest Speaker: Frank S (Steven McKelvie from Country Link); VoT: Peter F; Registrar: Peter C
- April 27 – Guest Speaker: David S; VoT: Chris B; Registrar: Sally
- May 2 – David W (Half Marathon)
- May 2 – Bob P (Golf Tournament)
- May 4 – Guest Speaker: Nev D; VoT: Peter C; Registrar: Tim
- May 11 – Guest Speaker: Danielle; VoT: Sally; Registrar: David N
- May 18 – Guest Speaker: Anthony J; VoT: Andrew C; Registrar: David W
- May 25 – Guest Speaker: Steve E; VoT: Tim; Registrar: Eric
- June 1 – Guest Speaker: Peter F; VoT: David N; Registrar: Frank
- June 8 – Guest Speaker: Chris B; VoT: David W; Registrar: David S
- June 15 – Guest Speaker: Greg S; VoT: Eric D; Registrar: Nev
- June 22 – Guest Speaker: Karl M; VoT: Frank S; Registrar: Danielle
- June 29 – Adam S / Peter C
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