First of all…
I’d like to say that it was a particularly poor turn out this week, and those of us in attendance were a bit embarrassed in front of our guest. On the plus side, the 12 of us that were present were, in the words of our guest, “a lot younger than he’d expected”.
May dates of note…
Bob’s wife Jenny has a birthday on May 1st.
Jack’s wife Ruth has a birthday on May 8th.
Arthur’s wife Hillary has a birthday on May 11th.
Tim’s wife Sue has a birthday on May 19th
Tom and his wife have a wedding anniversary on May 20th
Frank S has a birthday on May 26.
Last week’s meeting (April 20, 2010)…
This week, Anthony J once again led us in the Rotary Grace. Frank S introduced our guest, Steven McKelvie from Country Link. Apologise came from Bob P, Nev D, Chris B, and Peter C. Our guest then went on to win the H&T for the evening and, later on, drew Tim S for the door prize.
David W then gave us a reminder of the Bathurst Half Marathon on May 2. He’s requested that we turn up at about 8:10 and we’ll be there until no later than 11:30. We need a lot of people but this will be very easy money so please do your best to turn up and bring a partner if you can coax them out of bed on Sunday morning.
Anthony J gave us a brief of the incoming mail. In particular he showed us the certificate of thanks from the Mitchell Conservatorium of Music for our ongoing support. There was also a letter of invitation from the RC Bathurst East to attend their dinner on Wednesday May 5th. Their guest is Dr Brendan Smith who will be presenting on the closing of St Vincent’s private hospital. I’ll attend on behalf of our club and present what’s said in the blog for that week.
After dinner, we heard from our guest for the evening, Steven McKelvie, a Travel Centre Manager for CountryLink. Steven has worked for CountryLink for 32 years and claims “I wouldn’t change a thing about my job.”
While Steven mostly manages the tours now, he also told us about some of the routine services out of the Bathurst station. He spent his first 10 years doing clerical work, including train control, of freight and passenger trains. It sounds like a busy job as the Bathurst Station alone sells over 1000 tickets per week and has 121 services per week. Did you know you can get to the centre of Melbourne in a day for under $100 by rail?
Now he manages one of four travel centres in NSW. Essentially what he does is organise rail vacations. Steven brought along some brochures of upcoming trips all around the state and interstate… some truly amazing deals! Not only does Steven manage the trips but he goes on between 6 and 9 every year as a tour guide. As he says (with a nod and a wink) he’s away on “Work Trips” for 14 weeks of the year. Some trips are so popular (like to Port Macquarie), the trip is booked out before the brochure is even printed.
Steven is clearly very good at his job because, as the travel centres were progressively downsized, he not only kept his job but has also been given progressively more and more managerial responsibilities. He’s on of the top 20 agents for the IP trips and was RailCorp’s Employee of the Year!
As a final note...
We should finally note to add Danielle to our list of "Do not ask to sing" for the most shocking rendition of Advance Australia Fair since Pete C was asked to do a solo!!! No offence Danielle, but really... ;-)
This week’s meeting (April 27, 2010) …
At the meeting on April 13 we discussed having our guest to be our NYSF representative. Has anybody contacted her about this? If not, it seems doubtful we’ll have a guest. Also note that the VoT will be delivered by Chris B and the registrar is Sally. Sally, I don’t think you’ve done this before but just sit at the table well before the meeting starts and Frank/Karl will show you the ropes.
In the coming weeks...
• May 2 – David W (Half Marathon)
• May 2 – Bob P (Golf Tournament)
• May 4 – Guest Speaker: Nev D; VoT: Peter C; Registrar: Tim
• May 11 – Guest Speaker: Danielle; VoT: Sally; Registrar: David N
• May 18 – Guest Speaker: Anthony J; VoT: Andrew C; Registrar: David W
• May 25 – Guest Speaker: Steve E; VoT: Tim; Registrar: Eric
• June 1 – Guest Speaker: Peter F; VoT: David N; Registrar: Frank
• June 8 – Guest Speaker: Chris B; VoT: David W; Registrar: David S
• June 15 – Guest Speaker: Greg S; VoT: Eric D; Registrar: Nev
• June 22 – Guest Speaker: Karl M; VoT: Frank S; Registrar: Danielle
• June 29 – Adam S / Peter C
Monday, April 26, 2010
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Meeting of April 20th
First of all…
The countdown to the golf tournament is on, just a fortnight away. We’re still in need of sponsors so please think of a local business (ANY local business) and ask them to sponsor a hole. It’s no harm and takes very little time to ask for the manager with a letter explaining the sponsorship process.
April dates of note…
Adam’s wife Liz had a birthday on the 1st
Alan B had a birthday on the 8th
Steve E had a birthday on 15th
Karl and Eva have a wedding anniversary on the 23rd
Nev and Jo have a wedding anniversary on the 24th
Last week’s meeting (April 13th, 2010)…
This week we learned that Anthony J is probably the next “go to” guy for singing if Rob B is not available. Anthony led us in a not-too-bad version of Rotary Grace.
Once we’d all taken our seats Jack A introduced our Young Citizen of the Month award winner, Clancy. Alan B also introduced his guest for the evening, John Pearson.
We had apologies from Danielle, Rob B and Steve E. Pres Adam has also relayed to us that Steve has requested a 6-week leave of absence due to family commitments.
A quick round of H&T followed in which Nev D took home the bottle of red. While Marie Antoinette might have said “Let them eat cake”, it was I who took home the cake for winning the door prize! A big thanks to Clancy for drawing my ticket.
Anthony relayed two weeks of correspondence, part of which included a thank you letter from the Riding for the Disabled group and a request for hands to do some jobs around their facility. They didn’t give us any specifics of what jobs and when so Anthony should report back in the next week or two with a few more specifics.
Next up, Clancy was presented with her award. Clancy is a year 11 student at McKillop College and is being recognized as a student leader, her sporting achievements (the most important acheivement as far as I'm concerned) and as a musician (guitar).
Finally, Alan B introduced his guest (and next door neighbor), John Pearson. While John has just recently retired, since 1986 he’s been operating an exchange program as a home business. John started the business in response to a one-off request to billet Japanese students and found that he’d done such a good job that the requests to do the same just kept on coming.
One branch of his business has been in “Rural tourism”, billeting small groups from all over the world onto local farms for up to a week. Billeting families would get paid a fee by John ($86 per day) and the group would get the “rural experience” of living on a farm. John would routinely find billets for groups of 20-40 people.
The other branch of the business was in billeting of visiting Japanese students. Students were school age (from 8 to 16 years old) and would come over in groups of up to 300 for up to 8 days! I think many of us struggled to wrap our heads around the magnitude of the operation. While many of us have seen Japanese students wandering the Stockland Shopping Centre, we had little idea of what they were doing there or where they were coming form. Now that John has retired, don’t expect for these groups of students to stop coming because he’s simply passed on the business to somebody else in Bathurst.
We’re all aware of cultural differences between Australia and Japan, so many of us wondered if cultural clashes were a recurring problem over John’s career. John told to us that main cultural differences were explained to students before they came over; they knew what to expect about the basics of the Australian culture such as what to expect to eat, or that showers are the norm here (as opposed to baths which are the norm in Japan). The students were coming to Australia for the Australian culture and were already prepared for things to be different. After many years in the business, John was apparently quite good at preparing visiting groups.
This week’s meeting (April 20th, 2010)…
This week our guest is being organised by Frank S. It will be Steven McKelvie from Country Link. Also note that VoT will be Peter F and the registrar will be Peter C. Perter F and C should both be aware of their duties and perform them diligently or face heavy fines.
In the coming weeks...
• April 27 – at the meeting on April 13 we discussed having our guest to be our NYSF representative. Has anybody contacted her about this?; VoT: Chris B; Registrar: Sally
• May 2 – David W (Half Marathon)
• May 2 – Bob P (Golf Tournament)
• May 4 – Guest Speaker: Nev D; VoT: Peter C; Registrar: Tim
• May 11 – Guest Speaker: Danielle; VoT: Sally; Registrar: David N
• May 18 – Guest Speaker: Anthony J; VoT: Andrew C; Registrar: David W
• May 25 – Guest Speaker: Steve E; VoT: Tim; Registrar: Eric
• June 1 – Guest Speaker: Peter F; VoT: David N; Registrar: Frank
• June 8 – Guest Speaker: Chris B; VoT: David W; Registrar: David S
• June 15 – Guest Speaker: Greg S; VoT: Eric D; Registrar: Nev
• June 22 – Guest Speaker: Karl M; VoT: Frank S; Registrar: Danielle
• June 29 – Adam S / Peter C
The countdown to the golf tournament is on, just a fortnight away. We’re still in need of sponsors so please think of a local business (ANY local business) and ask them to sponsor a hole. It’s no harm and takes very little time to ask for the manager with a letter explaining the sponsorship process.
April dates of note…
Adam’s wife Liz had a birthday on the 1st
Alan B had a birthday on the 8th
Steve E had a birthday on 15th
Karl and Eva have a wedding anniversary on the 23rd
Nev and Jo have a wedding anniversary on the 24th
Last week’s meeting (April 13th, 2010)…
This week we learned that Anthony J is probably the next “go to” guy for singing if Rob B is not available. Anthony led us in a not-too-bad version of Rotary Grace.
Once we’d all taken our seats Jack A introduced our Young Citizen of the Month award winner, Clancy. Alan B also introduced his guest for the evening, John Pearson.
We had apologies from Danielle, Rob B and Steve E. Pres Adam has also relayed to us that Steve has requested a 6-week leave of absence due to family commitments.
A quick round of H&T followed in which Nev D took home the bottle of red. While Marie Antoinette might have said “Let them eat cake”, it was I who took home the cake for winning the door prize! A big thanks to Clancy for drawing my ticket.
Anthony relayed two weeks of correspondence, part of which included a thank you letter from the Riding for the Disabled group and a request for hands to do some jobs around their facility. They didn’t give us any specifics of what jobs and when so Anthony should report back in the next week or two with a few more specifics.
Next up, Clancy was presented with her award. Clancy is a year 11 student at McKillop College and is being recognized as a student leader, her sporting achievements (the most important acheivement as far as I'm concerned) and as a musician (guitar).
Finally, Alan B introduced his guest (and next door neighbor), John Pearson. While John has just recently retired, since 1986 he’s been operating an exchange program as a home business. John started the business in response to a one-off request to billet Japanese students and found that he’d done such a good job that the requests to do the same just kept on coming.
One branch of his business has been in “Rural tourism”, billeting small groups from all over the world onto local farms for up to a week. Billeting families would get paid a fee by John ($86 per day) and the group would get the “rural experience” of living on a farm. John would routinely find billets for groups of 20-40 people.
The other branch of the business was in billeting of visiting Japanese students. Students were school age (from 8 to 16 years old) and would come over in groups of up to 300 for up to 8 days! I think many of us struggled to wrap our heads around the magnitude of the operation. While many of us have seen Japanese students wandering the Stockland Shopping Centre, we had little idea of what they were doing there or where they were coming form. Now that John has retired, don’t expect for these groups of students to stop coming because he’s simply passed on the business to somebody else in Bathurst.
We’re all aware of cultural differences between Australia and Japan, so many of us wondered if cultural clashes were a recurring problem over John’s career. John told to us that main cultural differences were explained to students before they came over; they knew what to expect about the basics of the Australian culture such as what to expect to eat, or that showers are the norm here (as opposed to baths which are the norm in Japan). The students were coming to Australia for the Australian culture and were already prepared for things to be different. After many years in the business, John was apparently quite good at preparing visiting groups.
This week’s meeting (April 20th, 2010)…
This week our guest is being organised by Frank S. It will be Steven McKelvie from Country Link. Also note that VoT will be Peter F and the registrar will be Peter C. Perter F and C should both be aware of their duties and perform them diligently or face heavy fines.
In the coming weeks...
• April 27 – at the meeting on April 13 we discussed having our guest to be our NYSF representative. Has anybody contacted her about this?; VoT: Chris B; Registrar: Sally
• May 2 – David W (Half Marathon)
• May 2 – Bob P (Golf Tournament)
• May 4 – Guest Speaker: Nev D; VoT: Peter C; Registrar: Tim
• May 11 – Guest Speaker: Danielle; VoT: Sally; Registrar: David N
• May 18 – Guest Speaker: Anthony J; VoT: Andrew C; Registrar: David W
• May 25 – Guest Speaker: Steve E; VoT: Tim; Registrar: Eric
• June 1 – Guest Speaker: Peter F; VoT: David N; Registrar: Frank
• June 8 – Guest Speaker: Chris B; VoT: David W; Registrar: David S
• June 15 – Guest Speaker: Greg S; VoT: Eric D; Registrar: Nev
• June 22 – Guest Speaker: Karl M; VoT: Frank S; Registrar: Danielle
• June 29 – Adam S / Peter C
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Meeting of April 13th, 2010
First of all…
At this point, it’s still not too late to volunteer for Sunday morning’s B2B. Please ring David W if your Sunday morning has cleared up.
April dates of note…
Adam’s wife Liz had a birthday on the 1st
Alan B had a birthday on the 8th
Steve E has a birthday on 15th
Karl and Eva have a wedding anniversary on the 23rd
Nev and Jo have a wedding anniversary on the 24th
Last week’s meeting (April 6, 2010)…
Opening the meeting with Rotary Grace was Nev D… let’s just say that we’ll add Nev to the “don’t ask to sing” list right next to Pete C. It was truly horrific!
We had apologies from Pres Adam, Rob B, Tim S, David W, Anthony J, and Peter F. I’ll encourage you all to get on-line to do a make-up meeting. If you ever look at the on-line DG reports you’ll see that our club regularly has one of the top few spots in the attendance records. Let’s all do our best to keep our club there!
Next up, Sally introduced her guest for the evening… Tony Perry. He’s the GM of Central Tablelands Water.
There wasn’t much to report this week as the Art Union committee is meeting fortnightly and this was one of their off weeks. Nev D did report that we’ve made $1230 from cake/pudding sales (much thanks to me I think). Also, FYI, Frank S took home the H&T honours even though he wasn’t in the room as Karl was playing for him.
Since Andrew C was AWOL (I think he was avoiding the meeting because we were going to fine him $1 per kilo he’s lost), Peter C stepped in as sergeant for the evening. As usual, Pete laid a beating on us all, extracting several dollars even from Jack!
Next, Sally introduced our guest speaker for the evening, Tony Perry from Central Tablelands Water (formally known as Central Tablelands County Council).
I found it really interesting to learn that some water supply areas around the state are councils on to themselves just like any other city council. Where a city council (“General Purpose Council”) has a lot of daily matters to manage, a county council only has one order of business: water. This is done because many water supplies supply water to several different areas and span several local boundaries. Cities with their own water supply (such as Bathurst and the Chifley Dam) manage their own water. In the case of Central Tablelands Water, it’s Lake Rowlands. Tony regaled a series of town names that are serviced by Lake Rowlands that I simply lost track of, but he had an interesting stat that of the 145 water boundries in NSW four of the county councils service 1.8 million people in NSW.
I’ll admit that local politics is not my thing so many of you may have known the bit about the different kinds of councils already but I was really excited to learn something new. The down side of not being into local politics is that the rest of Tony's presentation on a water enquiry went well over my head. I can recount Bob’s recent presentation on nuclear fission word-for-word, but get totally lost in water management… sorry to all and I’ll happily pay a fine for this next week.
This week’s meeting (April 13th, 2010)
Alan B is organising John Pearson as our guest speaker. We’ll be hearing something to do with overseas students from Japan.
In the coming weeks...
Please note that since David S is no longer a member, we’ll be short a guest speaker for April 27 (a fortnight away!) so if anybody has any ideas for the evening's entertainment, please let me know so I can update the table below.
At this point, it’s still not too late to volunteer for Sunday morning’s B2B. Please ring David W if your Sunday morning has cleared up.
April dates of note…
Adam’s wife Liz had a birthday on the 1st
Alan B had a birthday on the 8th
Steve E has a birthday on 15th
Karl and Eva have a wedding anniversary on the 23rd
Nev and Jo have a wedding anniversary on the 24th
Last week’s meeting (April 6, 2010)…
Opening the meeting with Rotary Grace was Nev D… let’s just say that we’ll add Nev to the “don’t ask to sing” list right next to Pete C. It was truly horrific!
We had apologies from Pres Adam, Rob B, Tim S, David W, Anthony J, and Peter F. I’ll encourage you all to get on-line to do a make-up meeting. If you ever look at the on-line DG reports you’ll see that our club regularly has one of the top few spots in the attendance records. Let’s all do our best to keep our club there!
Next up, Sally introduced her guest for the evening… Tony Perry. He’s the GM of Central Tablelands Water.
There wasn’t much to report this week as the Art Union committee is meeting fortnightly and this was one of their off weeks. Nev D did report that we’ve made $1230 from cake/pudding sales (much thanks to me I think). Also, FYI, Frank S took home the H&T honours even though he wasn’t in the room as Karl was playing for him.
Since Andrew C was AWOL (I think he was avoiding the meeting because we were going to fine him $1 per kilo he’s lost), Peter C stepped in as sergeant for the evening. As usual, Pete laid a beating on us all, extracting several dollars even from Jack!
Next, Sally introduced our guest speaker for the evening, Tony Perry from Central Tablelands Water (formally known as Central Tablelands County Council).
I found it really interesting to learn that some water supply areas around the state are councils on to themselves just like any other city council. Where a city council (“General Purpose Council”) has a lot of daily matters to manage, a county council only has one order of business: water. This is done because many water supplies supply water to several different areas and span several local boundaries. Cities with their own water supply (such as Bathurst and the Chifley Dam) manage their own water. In the case of Central Tablelands Water, it’s Lake Rowlands. Tony regaled a series of town names that are serviced by Lake Rowlands that I simply lost track of, but he had an interesting stat that of the 145 water boundries in NSW four of the county councils service 1.8 million people in NSW.
I’ll admit that local politics is not my thing so many of you may have known the bit about the different kinds of councils already but I was really excited to learn something new. The down side of not being into local politics is that the rest of Tony's presentation on a water enquiry went well over my head. I can recount Bob’s recent presentation on nuclear fission word-for-word, but get totally lost in water management… sorry to all and I’ll happily pay a fine for this next week.
This week’s meeting (April 13th, 2010)
Alan B is organising John Pearson as our guest speaker. We’ll be hearing something to do with overseas students from Japan.
In the coming weeks...
Please note that since David S is no longer a member, we’ll be short a guest speaker for April 27 (a fortnight away!) so if anybody has any ideas for the evening's entertainment, please let me know so I can update the table below.
- April 10 & 11 - B2B
- April 20 – Guest Speaker: Frank S (Steven McKelvie from Country Link); VoT: Peter F; Registrar: Peter C
- April 27 – Guest Speaker: David S; VoT: Chris B; Registrar: Sally
- May 2 – David W (Half Marathon)
- May 2 – Bob P (Golf Tournament)
- May 4 – Guest Speaker: Nev D; VoT: Peter C; Registrar: Tim
- May 11 – Guest Speaker: Danielle; VoT: Sally; Registrar: David N
- May 18 – Guest Speaker: Anthony J; VoT: Andrew C; Registrar: David W
- May 25 – Guest Speaker: Steve E; VoT: Tim; Registrar: Eric
- June 1 – Guest Speaker: Peter F; VoT: David N; Registrar: Frank
- June 8 – Guest Speaker: Chris B; VoT: David W; Registrar: David S
- June 15 – Guest Speaker: Greg S; VoT: Eric D; Registrar: Nev
- June 22 – Guest Speaker: Karl M; VoT: Frank S; Registrar: Danielle
- June 29 – Adam S / Peter C
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Meeting for April 6th, 2010

First of all…
David W is making a desperate appeal for help on the B2B. : “At last week’s Meeting I advised that Daybreak is short of manpower for the B2B this weekend. They are finalising their roster this afternoon and really need our help. They need 1 to 2 people to help set up at the Pits on Saturday from 7:30am till11:30am working with Tony Thurling and Paul Field. The more there the less time required. On Sunday again 1 to 2 people to assist with registration from 7:30am till about 11:30am working with Hugh O’Reilly. And 2 to 4 people to assist with traffic direction (no qualifications necessary) out on the course. Your own transport is required and you will need to be in position from 8:30am for about 3 to 4 hours. Fellows, this is a fantastic Rotary activity and it would be priceless for inter-club relations if we could get out in force and help Daybreak to run this iconic event. Accordingly please urgently return email me if you can help on Sat or Sun or both so I can get your detail to the relevant contacts.”
April dates of note…
Adam’s wife Liz had a birthday on the 1st
Alan B has a birthday on the 8th
Steve E has a birthday on 15th
Karl and Eva have a wedding anniversary on the 23rd
Nev and Jo have a wedding anniversary on the 24th
Last week (March 30th, 2010)…
This week we had apologies from Rob B, Pete F, and Chris B.
David W is making a desperate appeal for help on the B2B. : “At last week’s Meeting I advised that Daybreak is short of manpower for the B2B this weekend. They are finalising their roster this afternoon and really need our help. They need 1 to 2 people to help set up at the Pits on Saturday from 7:30am till11:30am working with Tony Thurling and Paul Field. The more there the less time required. On Sunday again 1 to 2 people to assist with registration from 7:30am till about 11:30am working with Hugh O’Reilly. And 2 to 4 people to assist with traffic direction (no qualifications necessary) out on the course. Your own transport is required and you will need to be in position from 8:30am for about 3 to 4 hours. Fellows, this is a fantastic Rotary activity and it would be priceless for inter-club relations if we could get out in force and help Daybreak to run this iconic event. Accordingly please urgently return email me if you can help on Sat or Sun or both so I can get your detail to the relevant contacts.”
April dates of note…
Adam’s wife Liz had a birthday on the 1st
Alan B has a birthday on the 8th
Steve E has a birthday on 15th
Karl and Eva have a wedding anniversary on the 23rd
Nev and Jo have a wedding anniversary on the 24th
Last week (March 30th, 2010)…
This week we had apologies from Rob B, Pete F, and Chris B.
We were visited by Nola Ramsey , Bathurst 2010’s Citizen of the year. We were presenting to her a cheque for $3,000 that we raised in the Australia Day Duck Race for the Riding for the Disabled group (photo attached).
We’ve had a request for help raising funds for a cancer hospice in Orange. I’m not sure if the club is going to have any involvement but as it initially sounds like a worthy cause, it should come up for further discussion.
Katrina, our National Youth Science Forum (NYSF) representative from All Saints apparently had a great experience in Canberra and is very keen to come talk to our club about her experience.
David W reminded us about 1. The Bathurst half marathon on May 2 and 2. The B2B (see above, this coming weekend).
Anthony J has told us that we have selected a RYLA candidate (James) who Anthony assures us is a worthy candidate.
Pete C made sure to remind me that of all the roles that everybody in our club has taken on for the Art Union which I listed last week, I did not list that Bob P is keeping track of the money. So there you go Pete… I’ve posted it THIS week!
We’ve go two CSU students trying to find sponsors and are doing a lot of the publicity for the golf tournament on May 2. The golf tournament is in the afternoon on the same day as the half marathon (in the morning) so all club members will need plan their time well for that day.
During this meeting we circulated a response back to the DG for signatures from club members. This response concerned the email she circulated to many of us regarding the district conference. If anybody would like to see the email or our response, please let me know. I’ve email our response to the DG but have not received a reply.
A big congratulations to Andrew C who has lost 30kg!
Alan B mentioned that he ran into Noel Masters at the Paris Exhibition in Canberra. While Noel was before my time with RC Bathurst, he was a member and PP of our club that many of our current members still remember. Alan reports that Noel is doing well.
We then heard from our guest speaker for the evening. Nola was representing Riding for the Disabled, a group that’s been in Bathurst for 30 years. They provide horse riding for people with disabilities in the Bathurst & Lithgow regions for the purposes of sport, therapy and exercise. I can assure everybody that the balance and coordination required to ride a horse is immense. For those people who cannot or will not ride, they’ve also opened a petting zoo which operates one day per week.
They operate the horse riding only two days per week (Thursdays and Fridays) and have approximately 50 registered people riding 11 well trained horses. On their operating days, they have 4or 5 one-hour classes with 6 or 7 rides per class. They receive no government funding but have an operating budget of $30,000 per year.
Riding for the Disables is a great cause truly worthy of our support. While we provided her with a cheque for $3000, we also offered Nola a few days of labour. She was very grateful for our donation and said she’d get back to us with a list of one-day projects that need doing. In particular it sounds like they are in desperate need of good security fences since they have had four break-ins with the idiots terrorising the animals.
This week (April 6th, 2010)…
The program is in the hands Sally. Her guest is Tony Perry. I'm not sure exactly what Tony will be talking about but I'm sure it'll be interesting.
Next week (April 13, 2010)…
Alan B is organising John Pearson as our guest speaker. I think it will have something to do with overseas students from Japan but we’ll see next week.
In the coming weeks…
Please check to see where your name falls next to guest speaker. Please let me know in advance what you have planned so I can put in the blog. It’s kind of pointless having great guest speakers planned is nobody knows they’re coming!
April 13 – Guest Speaker: Alan B (John Pearson); VoT: Steve E; Welcome: Karl
April 10 & 11 - B2B
April 20 – Guest Speaker: Frank S (Steven McKelvie from Country Link); VoT: Peter F; Welcome: Peter C
April 27 – Guest Speaker: David S; VoT: Chris B; Welcome: Sally
May 2 – David W (Half Marathon)
May 2 – Bob P (Golf Tournament)
May 4 – Guest Speaker: Nev D; VoT: Peter C; Welcome: Tim
May 11 – Guest Speaker: Danielle; VoT: Sally; Welcome: David N
May 18 – Guest Speaker: Anthony J; VoT: Andrew C; Welcome: David W
May 25 – Guest Speaker: Steve E; VoT: Tim; Welcome: Eric
June 1 – Guest Speaker: Peter F; VoT: David N; Welcome: Frank
June 8 – Guest Speaker: Chris B; VoT: David W; Welcome: David S
June 15 – Guest Speaker: Greg S; VoT: Eric D; Welcome: Nev
June 22 – Guest Speaker: Karl M; VoT: Frank S; Welcome: Danielle
June 29 – Adam S / Peter C
April 20 – Guest Speaker: Frank S (Steven McKelvie from Country Link); VoT: Peter F; Welcome: Peter C
April 27 – Guest Speaker: David S; VoT: Chris B; Welcome: Sally
May 2 – David W (Half Marathon)
May 2 – Bob P (Golf Tournament)
May 4 – Guest Speaker: Nev D; VoT: Peter C; Welcome: Tim
May 11 – Guest Speaker: Danielle; VoT: Sally; Welcome: David N
May 18 – Guest Speaker: Anthony J; VoT: Andrew C; Welcome: David W
May 25 – Guest Speaker: Steve E; VoT: Tim; Welcome: Eric
June 1 – Guest Speaker: Peter F; VoT: David N; Welcome: Frank
June 8 – Guest Speaker: Chris B; VoT: David W; Welcome: David S
June 15 – Guest Speaker: Greg S; VoT: Eric D; Welcome: Nev
June 22 – Guest Speaker: Karl M; VoT: Frank S; Welcome: Danielle
June 29 – Adam S / Peter C
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