First of all…
Firstly I’ve been asked by Bob P to continue to remind everybody that the Golf Tournament is on after 12 noon on May 2. David W also reminds us that the Bathurst Half Marathon is also happening on May 2, but in the morning. We really need all hands on deck to work at least one of these events. If you can, please book your self in for both.
On the same day (May 2) there is also the District Assembly. As the incoming president, Peter C will be attending on the club’s behalf though any member can attend.
Finally, further to last week’s attendance record, Alan B reminds everybody that if you can’t make it to a meeting, please do an online make-up:
1. Go to
2. Click on “Rotary Districts”
3. Click on “9700”
4. Click on “Links”
5. Click on “Meeting Make-up at Rotary eClub”
6. Click on “Make-up programs”
Meeting of March 23…
This week we had apologies from Sally, Peter C and Rob B.
Chris B took the H&T honours as Andrew throws an unprecedented number of heads.
David W reminds us of the Half Marathon that we’ll need martials for. You just stand on a corner of the running route and point runners in the right direction. It's very easy money for the club. David also reminds us that on April 10 and 11 is the B2B Bike ride. Anybody interested in volunteering should contact (I presume) Rob B. We’ll volunteer as individuals but not as a club.
Over some discussion of the District Conference between David W and Jack A there was a reminder that next year’s conference is in Orange. Our club’s senior members seriously encouraged particularly the newer members that it is very worth attending a district conference at some point as a Rotarian.
Bob P is still looking for hole sponsors for the golf. There was some discussion if anybody has ties to local businesses to please contact them about sponsoring a hole.
David N had been contacted by DGE Neil regarding the Australian Rotary Health Fund. Anybody interested in getting involved with this program should get the information from David N.
More discussion was also raised about the Art Union. While last week we discussed the Richmond Foundation as a charitable tie, there has since been further discussion with the Bathurst City Council (personally with the mayor himself). They will help promote the Art Union and help select local charities to disperse money raised after the event. Danielle suggests to get the commitment in writing.
The draw for the Art Union will happen on November 6 at a dinner at Carrington House (dinner price suggested to be $120 per head). Chris B is head of the organising for the dinner itself so he may be contacting any of us for help. Further to members asking other members for help, Sally is running the promotion of the Art Union, Pete is on the tickets and Adam is on ticket distribution. We should all give freely of our time when (not if, but when) we are asked to help.
First prize is an Impreza (valued at $27K) while second prize is $15K holiday voucher. We must sell 6,000 tickets at $10 per ticket but hope to sell 10,000. Our application has been submitted to the Department of Fair Trading and we hope to begin selling tickets by the start of May. We as a club won’t be selling ALL the tickets ourselves, so if anybody has any contacts at local sports clubs or schools that can do selling for us (and take 30% of the sale for their club/school), be sure to let Pete know.
This Art Union is really coming along and Pete really deserves a pat on the back from all of us. We may recall that the idea initially was sparked with a group of us sitting around over a few drinks at Steve E’s house that really motivated Pete. While Pete often talks of “fireside chats”, he is really leading from the front on how valuable they really are to keep the club invigorated.
Finally, we heard from Andrew C about an email/schedule computer program called Outlook. Andrew circulated a booklet he put together highlighting how to use Outlook for an immense number of things including sending and receiving emails, attaching electronic documents and photos to mail, reminders of daily appointments, scheduling tasks you need to do, and storing contact information (like in a Rolodex). All of this can be available on your computer or even a mobile phone.
Rather than me trying to recreate the entire presentation here, you should ask Andrew for a copy of the booklet. Even those of us who are old hands at Outlook I think picked up a trick or two from his booklet. As is often the case, some of our best guest speakers come from inside the club. Thanks Andrew for a great job.
Next week’s meeting (March 30)…
This week, David N is on for a speaker. I have not heard what David is planning so it’ll be a surprise to all of us. David W, do you have a speaker lined up for April 6?
In the coming weeks...
April 6 - Guest Speaker: David W; VoT: Anthony J; Welcome: Greg
April 13 – Guest Speaker: Alan B; VoT: Steve E; Welcome: Karl
April 20 – Guest Speaker: Frank S; VoT: Peter F; Welcome: Peter C
April 27 – Guest Speaker: David S; VoT: Chris B; Welcome: Sally
May 2 – David W (Half Marathon)
May 2 – Bob P (Gold Tournament)
May 4 – Guest Speaker: Nev D; VoT: Peter C; Welcome: Tim
May 11 – Guest Speaker: Danielle; VoT: Sally; Welcome: David N
May 18 – Guest Speaker: Anthony J; VoT: Andrew C; Welcome: David W
May 25 – Guest Speaker: Steve E; VoT: Tim; Welcome: Eric
June 1 – Guest Speaker: Peter F; VoT: David N; Welcome: Frank
June 8 – Guest Speaker: Chris B; VoT: David W; Welcome: David S
June 15 – Guest Speaker: Greg S; VoT: Eric D; Welcome: Nev
June 22 – Guest Speaker: Karl M; VoT: Frank S; Welcome: Danielle
June 29 – Adam S / Peter C
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Meeting of March 23
First of all…
Alan B has noted that we set an attendance record for 2010 with over 90% on March 16. That’s a great effort so let’s keep it up! Remember that if you can’t physically attend a meeting you can attend an electronic one on-line. See my posting on Sept 1, 2009 for instructions on how to do this.
Also, be sure to check below for your role at meetings. Can you please let me know who your guest speakers are well in advance so I can fill them in to the blank spots and make everybody aware of what’s coming up? Note that in the schedule, “Welcome” was actually supposed to read “Registrar” which means showing up a bit earlier than you might usually so you can collect dinner money, write names onto the attendance and hand out door-prize tickets.
Finally, we’re all keeping May 2nd clear for the Golf tournament and the Bathurst Half Marathon.
March dates of note…
Nev has a birthday on the 24th.
Last week’s meeting…
We had a few guests to welcome this week. Firstly we had Jack’s youth award winner of the month; James Sewell. We also had Tim’s guest speaker for the night; Elizabeth Randall.
In addition to our two club guests we also had two visiting Rotarians who arrived in Bathurst early for the District conference; Les and Mary Dale from the Rotary Club of Henty where they run an IGA. Les tells us that their club had been around for 50 years and has about 20 members. Les was certainly an enthusiastic speaker about one of their big events: the Henty Field Days in the third week of September.
We got a final report from David W about the district conference. David tells us that there are over 300 attendees though the golf has been cancelled due to a lack of interest.
Regarding the Art Union, Peter C filled us in a conversation he had with the McGrath Foundation. To have an Art Union we are looking for a charitable organisation to affiliate with, but unless there’s $350K involved the McGrath Foundation is not interested. This means that we’re still looking for an affiliate. Sally had a suggestion about the Richmond Fellowship. There are two ways to think about their low recognition rate. One is that it would be good to support a charity with a local branch that could really use our help. The other is that we probably wouldn’t get much publicity for our club. I’m sure this discussion will be ongoing about trading one off for the other.
Sally’s forward thinking must have won her good karma because she went on to win the Heads-and-Tails.
We then presented James with his award. James is an outstanding musician involved with Swing Factor as well as other church bands and show bands. In his words, he’s been mentored a lot to get to where is and now wants to pay some of it back. Again, good karma won the day and James took home the door prize (cake, not the wine).
We then heard from Tim’s guest (and daughter), Elizabeth. She’s heavily involved in music education so came to use prepared to speak about the values of music and how the benefits spill-over into other area of education and life.
Elizabeth first spoke of how music is generally considered a second tier subject… a “side dish” of the education system rather than a “major food group” as it is in Finland. She presented us with the general skills necessary to be a musician, such as discipline, empathy and resilience, and asked us to consider how hard it would be to fill a job with a person that had the 16 skills she listed.
New South Wales spends just 98 cents per person per year on music. However, considering the 12 benefits of music she outlined (including improving maths, reading, language, spatial awareness, craftsmanship, team work, and university attendance), Elizabeth was in little doubt that spending more on music would pay huge dividends in other areas of education too.
Meeting of March 23…
This week we’ll be hearing from Andrew C on using Microsoft Outlook. It’s a very powerful computer program for making schedules and sending emails.
In the coming weeks…
Head’s up to David N. You’re on for next week.
March 30 – Guest Speaker: David N (VoT: Danielle; Welcome: Chris B)
April 6 - Guest Speaker: David W; VoT: Anthony J; Welcome: Greg
April 13 – Guest Speaker: Alan B; VoT: Steve E; Welcome: Karl
April 20 – Guest Speaker: Frank S; VoT: Peter F; Welcome: Peter C
April 27 – Guest Speaker: David S; VoT: Chris B; Welcome: Sally
May 2 – David W (Half Marathon)
May 2 – Bob P (Gold Tournament)
May 4 – Guest Speaker: Nev D; VoT: Peter C; Welcome: Tim
May 11 – Guest Speaker: Danielle; VoT: Sally; Welcome: David N
May 18 – Guest Speaker: Anthony J; VoT: Andrew C; Welcome: David W
May 25 – Guest Speaker: Steve E; VoT: Tim; Welcome: Eric
June 1 – Guest Speaker: Peter F; VoT: David N; Welcome: Frank
June 8 – Guest Speaker: Chris B; VoT: David W; Welcome: David S
June 15 – Guest Speaker: Greg S; VoT: Eric D; Welcome: Nev
June 22 – Guest Speaker: Karl M; VoT: Frank S; Welcome: Danielle
June 29 – Adam S / Peter C
Alan B has noted that we set an attendance record for 2010 with over 90% on March 16. That’s a great effort so let’s keep it up! Remember that if you can’t physically attend a meeting you can attend an electronic one on-line. See my posting on Sept 1, 2009 for instructions on how to do this.
Also, be sure to check below for your role at meetings. Can you please let me know who your guest speakers are well in advance so I can fill them in to the blank spots and make everybody aware of what’s coming up? Note that in the schedule, “Welcome” was actually supposed to read “Registrar” which means showing up a bit earlier than you might usually so you can collect dinner money, write names onto the attendance and hand out door-prize tickets.
Finally, we’re all keeping May 2nd clear for the Golf tournament and the Bathurst Half Marathon.
March dates of note…
Nev has a birthday on the 24th.
Last week’s meeting…
We had a few guests to welcome this week. Firstly we had Jack’s youth award winner of the month; James Sewell. We also had Tim’s guest speaker for the night; Elizabeth Randall.
In addition to our two club guests we also had two visiting Rotarians who arrived in Bathurst early for the District conference; Les and Mary Dale from the Rotary Club of Henty where they run an IGA. Les tells us that their club had been around for 50 years and has about 20 members. Les was certainly an enthusiastic speaker about one of their big events: the Henty Field Days in the third week of September.
We got a final report from David W about the district conference. David tells us that there are over 300 attendees though the golf has been cancelled due to a lack of interest.
Regarding the Art Union, Peter C filled us in a conversation he had with the McGrath Foundation. To have an Art Union we are looking for a charitable organisation to affiliate with, but unless there’s $350K involved the McGrath Foundation is not interested. This means that we’re still looking for an affiliate. Sally had a suggestion about the Richmond Fellowship. There are two ways to think about their low recognition rate. One is that it would be good to support a charity with a local branch that could really use our help. The other is that we probably wouldn’t get much publicity for our club. I’m sure this discussion will be ongoing about trading one off for the other.
Sally’s forward thinking must have won her good karma because she went on to win the Heads-and-Tails.
We then presented James with his award. James is an outstanding musician involved with Swing Factor as well as other church bands and show bands. In his words, he’s been mentored a lot to get to where is and now wants to pay some of it back. Again, good karma won the day and James took home the door prize (cake, not the wine).
We then heard from Tim’s guest (and daughter), Elizabeth. She’s heavily involved in music education so came to use prepared to speak about the values of music and how the benefits spill-over into other area of education and life.
Elizabeth first spoke of how music is generally considered a second tier subject… a “side dish” of the education system rather than a “major food group” as it is in Finland. She presented us with the general skills necessary to be a musician, such as discipline, empathy and resilience, and asked us to consider how hard it would be to fill a job with a person that had the 16 skills she listed.
New South Wales spends just 98 cents per person per year on music. However, considering the 12 benefits of music she outlined (including improving maths, reading, language, spatial awareness, craftsmanship, team work, and university attendance), Elizabeth was in little doubt that spending more on music would pay huge dividends in other areas of education too.
Meeting of March 23…
This week we’ll be hearing from Andrew C on using Microsoft Outlook. It’s a very powerful computer program for making schedules and sending emails.
In the coming weeks…
Head’s up to David N. You’re on for next week.
March 30 – Guest Speaker: David N (VoT: Danielle; Welcome: Chris B)
April 6 - Guest Speaker: David W; VoT: Anthony J; Welcome: Greg
April 13 – Guest Speaker: Alan B; VoT: Steve E; Welcome: Karl
April 20 – Guest Speaker: Frank S; VoT: Peter F; Welcome: Peter C
April 27 – Guest Speaker: David S; VoT: Chris B; Welcome: Sally
May 2 – David W (Half Marathon)
May 2 – Bob P (Gold Tournament)
May 4 – Guest Speaker: Nev D; VoT: Peter C; Welcome: Tim
May 11 – Guest Speaker: Danielle; VoT: Sally; Welcome: David N
May 18 – Guest Speaker: Anthony J; VoT: Andrew C; Welcome: David W
May 25 – Guest Speaker: Steve E; VoT: Tim; Welcome: Eric
June 1 – Guest Speaker: Peter F; VoT: David N; Welcome: Frank
June 8 – Guest Speaker: Chris B; VoT: David W; Welcome: David S
June 15 – Guest Speaker: Greg S; VoT: Eric D; Welcome: Nev
June 22 – Guest Speaker: Karl M; VoT: Frank S; Welcome: Danielle
June 29 – Adam S / Peter C
Monday, March 15, 2010
First of All…
The Blog is back in action! I took a few weeks off over Christmas and lost my stride. The lack of Sunday afternoon football (the usual time I write the blog) has also impeded the return of the blog. I’m back on the job now and should be fined heavily at meetings for missing postings. Unfortunately I’m already expecting a heavy cross-fine from Nev for Parra’s loss to the Dragons on Friday.
Also, could everybody note that Anthony J’s email address is not or
March dates of note…
Arthur had a birthday on the 15th
Nev has a birthday on the 24th while his wife Jo has a birthday on the 19th
Steve’s wife Lisa has a birthday on the 20th
Anthony and Bronwyn have a wedding anniversary on the 20th
Last week’s meeting (March 9th)
We were a bit out of sorts last week as we were short our president, who’s touring NZ with his clan, and our sergeant who was also an apology. A missing president and sergeant didn’t put Alan B off his H&T game though.
Greg had received a request from a lady needing help with loading boxes from a child care centre into a truck. I’m a bit foggy on the club’s history with this person but the advice from the senior members was to “Just say no”. We also heard from Rob B regarding the schedule of arranging guest speakers (below).
Anthony also had… well… a bunch of mail. If you want more details on exactly what’s being received you can talk to Anthony but it was all pretty generic stuff. One bit of mail was from the Bathurst Eisteddfod Society about our sponsoring a scholarship. Anthony was advised to reply that we have every intention of continuing our sponsorship of an annual scholarship.
Peter C gave us a rather odd fine session, not issuing a single fine but still managing to clear us out of our cash! I’m still not quite sure how I came out $7 down…
Without a guest speaker a round-table discussion of Bathurst restaurants opened up. The big winner came from Anthony’s experience was the Chicane. Also highly recommended was the Beekeeper on the way out to Orange.
This week’s meeting
Tim has emailed me (or should I say SUE emailed me) about his guest speaker next week. Mrs Elizabeth Randall will speak on music education, teaching and learning in the 21st century.
In the coming weeks…
March 16 – Guest Speaker: Tim; VoT: Bob; Welcome: Steve E
March 23 – Guest Speaker: Andrew C (Outlook for Dummies); VoT: Peter F
March 30 – Guest Speaker: David N (VoT: Danielle; Welcome: Chris B)
April 6 - Guest Speaker: David W; VoT: Anthony J; Welcome: Greg
April 13 – Guest Speaker: Alan B; VoT: Steve E; Welcome: Karl
April 20 – Guest Speaker: Frank S; VoT: Peter F; Welcome: Peter C
April 27 – Guest Speaker: David S; VoT: Chris B; Welcome: Sally
May 2 – David W (Half Marathon)
May 2 – Bob P (Gold Tournament)
May 4 – Guest Speaker: Nev D; VoT: Peter C; Welcome: Tim
May 11 – Guest Speaker: Danielle; VoT: Sally; Welcome: David N
May 18 – Guest Speaker: Anthony J; VoT: Andrew C; Welcome: David W
May 25 – Guest Speaker: Steve E; VoT: Tim; Welcome: Eric
June 1 – Guest Speaker: Peter F; VoT: David N; Welcome: Frank
June 8 – Guest Speaker: Chris B; VoT: David W; Welcome: David S
June 15 – Guest Speaker: Greg S; VoT: Eric D; Welcome: Nev
June 22 – Guest Speaker: Karl M; VoT: Frank S; Welcome: Danielle
June 29 – Adam S / Peter C
The Blog is back in action! I took a few weeks off over Christmas and lost my stride. The lack of Sunday afternoon football (the usual time I write the blog) has also impeded the return of the blog. I’m back on the job now and should be fined heavily at meetings for missing postings. Unfortunately I’m already expecting a heavy cross-fine from Nev for Parra’s loss to the Dragons on Friday.
Also, could everybody note that Anthony J’s email address is not or
March dates of note…
Arthur had a birthday on the 15th
Nev has a birthday on the 24th while his wife Jo has a birthday on the 19th
Steve’s wife Lisa has a birthday on the 20th
Anthony and Bronwyn have a wedding anniversary on the 20th
Last week’s meeting (March 9th)
We were a bit out of sorts last week as we were short our president, who’s touring NZ with his clan, and our sergeant who was also an apology. A missing president and sergeant didn’t put Alan B off his H&T game though.
Greg had received a request from a lady needing help with loading boxes from a child care centre into a truck. I’m a bit foggy on the club’s history with this person but the advice from the senior members was to “Just say no”. We also heard from Rob B regarding the schedule of arranging guest speakers (below).
Anthony also had… well… a bunch of mail. If you want more details on exactly what’s being received you can talk to Anthony but it was all pretty generic stuff. One bit of mail was from the Bathurst Eisteddfod Society about our sponsoring a scholarship. Anthony was advised to reply that we have every intention of continuing our sponsorship of an annual scholarship.
Peter C gave us a rather odd fine session, not issuing a single fine but still managing to clear us out of our cash! I’m still not quite sure how I came out $7 down…
Without a guest speaker a round-table discussion of Bathurst restaurants opened up. The big winner came from Anthony’s experience was the Chicane. Also highly recommended was the Beekeeper on the way out to Orange.
This week’s meeting
Tim has emailed me (or should I say SUE emailed me) about his guest speaker next week. Mrs Elizabeth Randall will speak on music education, teaching and learning in the 21st century.
In the coming weeks…
March 16 – Guest Speaker: Tim; VoT: Bob; Welcome: Steve E
March 23 – Guest Speaker: Andrew C (Outlook for Dummies); VoT: Peter F
March 30 – Guest Speaker: David N (VoT: Danielle; Welcome: Chris B)
April 6 - Guest Speaker: David W; VoT: Anthony J; Welcome: Greg
April 13 – Guest Speaker: Alan B; VoT: Steve E; Welcome: Karl
April 20 – Guest Speaker: Frank S; VoT: Peter F; Welcome: Peter C
April 27 – Guest Speaker: David S; VoT: Chris B; Welcome: Sally
May 2 – David W (Half Marathon)
May 2 – Bob P (Gold Tournament)
May 4 – Guest Speaker: Nev D; VoT: Peter C; Welcome: Tim
May 11 – Guest Speaker: Danielle; VoT: Sally; Welcome: David N
May 18 – Guest Speaker: Anthony J; VoT: Andrew C; Welcome: David W
May 25 – Guest Speaker: Steve E; VoT: Tim; Welcome: Eric
June 1 – Guest Speaker: Peter F; VoT: David N; Welcome: Frank
June 8 – Guest Speaker: Chris B; VoT: David W; Welcome: David S
June 15 – Guest Speaker: Greg S; VoT: Eric D; Welcome: Nev
June 22 – Guest Speaker: Karl M; VoT: Frank S; Welcome: Danielle
June 29 – Adam S / Peter C
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